Id make shadow form be 3 but next hero power this turn cost 2less same fot dinomancy
Still won’t make it viable, it has nothing to play with it. They would need to make things that play off of you being in shadowform. Like buffed minions or spells that are amplified when in shadowform.
A problem of it and dinomancy is huge tempo loss playing it and having a free hero power helps alot with.and is just priest doesbt have much to be aggresive
What about ancients as other choice? Or transforming treants into them like treespeaker?
Blood Witch
4 Mana
At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your hero.
Change to 4 mana 3/7 or overstat it some other way.
It feels really bad playing this card when Houndmaster Shaw has the same stats yet gives all minions rush. Thunderhead is going to have the same stats once buffed too.
Warlock cards are pretty much a joke when the class has no healing AND other classes have gotten crazy card generation and good draw.
Buff Jaraxxus? Are you all crazy here? The only thing he needs is to not be killed by sacrifice. That’s it.
Preparation to discount mana for your next spell back from 2 to 3.
Seriously, though, assuming that they will target Rastakhan’s Rumble cards next since they only buffed Boomsday cards on this round, I would love to see these cards buffed:
Gonk, the Raptor - It’s just a meme-legendary currently. Not sure what to do to buff this card. Decreasing its mana cost too much may make him too beefy as a minion when it comes to stats. I would just redesign the entire card. Which I don’t think is going to happen.
Spirit of the Lynx - Decrease the mana cost from 3 to 2. Would be easier to play and make some crazy combos with Beasts .
Arcanosaur - I would decrease the mana cost from 6 to 5. But no more than that! Otherwise we have another Duskbreaker in our hands for Mage. Another option is that you buff his stats from 3/3 to 4/4.
Spirit of the Dragonhawk - Decrease the mana cost from 2 to 1. It requires Daring Fire-Eater to be really good for one turn anyway. Outside of that, is 3 mana combo (Spirit + Hero Power) to deal 1 damage to three minions, if there even is that many, good? Well, it’s not amazing or even great, that’s for sure. It’s more expensive Shooting Star by two mana. And the shrine is most likely not going to stick on board for long.
Farraki Battleaxe - I would decrease its mana cost from 5 to 4. Not only does it cost too much to be efficient but you also have to Overkill something to get the full benefits out of it. Hand buffing has never been that strong in Hearthstone so it may still not get the cut.
A New Challenger… - I think it would be more fair to pay 6 mana for a 6 cost minion, no? Plus many 6 mana minions are bad stat-wise anyway, unless that’s going to change in future expansions, so having a Divine Shield and Taunt would just be more annoying than oppressive I think.
Gral, the Shark - Decrease the mana cost from 5 to 4. It’s very vulnerable to Silence because not only does his stats go to mere 2/2 but you also lose a card from your deck. Too punishing to pay 5 mana for.
Gurubashi Hypemon - You know what I would love to do with this card? Tag it as a Pirate . Would only make sense since he looks like a pirate and he might even be worth playing for that tag alone. Could be a sick draw with Captain Hooktusk to help kill big stuff.
Hir’eek, the Bat - Another bad Warlock legendary. Could be buffed to 2/2 in stats. Hand buffing Hir’eek is very hard. A board full of 2/2s (14/14 in total) would still be somewhat decent threat on the board on turn 8.
Spirit of the Bat - From 2 mana to 1. Hand buffing is again very weak AND you need to sacrifice your own minions to buff minions in your hand. And it’s random too. Right? Haven’t tested it myself.
Overlord’s Whip - Damaging your own stuff is part of Warrior’s class identity so it’s a shame this card doesn’t see any play. But I am admittedly also hesitant to buff this card to cost 2 mana instead of 3 because 2 mana 2/4 weapon sounds sick despite its ‘downside’.
Heavy Metal! - Have you seen this card ever played? I haven’t. Reduce its cost from 6 to 5, maybe even 4, mana.
As for Priest and Shaman ; I don’t think these two have any exceptionally bad cards in this set per say. And I just dislike Priest so much that I wouldn’t want to buff any of their stuff. Surrender to Madness , while bad, would be second Prince Keleseth if its cost was reduced to 2 from 3.
Starving Buzzard: 4 cost 3/4. Same ability
Warsong Commander: 3 cost 3/4. Friendly damaged minions have +1 attack.
Mutate: 1 cost spell. Twinspell. Transform ANY minion into one that costs 1 more. (can use as removal if u want to risk it)
Snap Freeze, 2 cost spell, Freeze an enemy. Destroy if it is a frozen minion.
Shadowform - costs 2
Stolen Steel - costs 1
Duskfallen Aviana - 5 cost 3/7. At the end of your turn add a 2/2 treant to your hand that costs 2.
Blessed Champion - doubles health too
Impferno - 4 cost spell. Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Summon that many 1/1 imps.
The problem with this is that if they do buff ‘garbage that nobody plays,’ other cards sink to the level of ‘garbage that nobody plays.’ What do you do then? Buff those cards? You see the power creep treadmill that your idea creates?
Prep. Your next spell cost 3 less.
Overlords Whip
4 mana
Whenever you summon a minion deal 1 damage to it. Deathrattle: add a copy of your damaged minions to your hand.
Get over it. Prep was a problem card, severely limiting design space.
it does, but look at bladefurry ? was overnerfed even with kingsbane and that ook like 2years to release and got nerfed the deck twice now.
And prep is what class is build around, alot of rogue spells escpailly higher cost ones shouldve been reduced by like 1mana. Like shouldve happend for druid when ramp was nerfed.
Without touching(buffing) the rest of spells,prep nerf was a mistake
Explore Ungoro AKA explore loosing
the cards you get with it (Choose your path) should be 0 mana instead of 1. If it got buffed without changing the 1-cost, the entire deck would get deleted by Skulking Geist.
very important to buff because I crafted two golden ones.
Beat reason I’ve seen yet to buff a card. Have a like good sir.
People made a bunch of unique an good suggestions. I liked the Overlords Whip one a lot.
Holy Nova; 5 mana aoe, 4 damage to enemy targets, 2 healing to friendly targets. Why? Because Priest doesn’t have a board anyway, and this way they don’t have to print a powerful aoe for Priest once or twice a year.
That’s too powerful. A 5 mana flamestrike an healing all for 2 on your side is nuts.
I figured we could pick Priest’s favorite old AoE an make it a staple. Either Lightbomb or Dragonfire Potion. Psychic Scream is too powerful.
I will also give you the beta version of Mind Control at 8 mana.
Mind Control is pretty bad right now. Same with deck-theft. All the truly powerful cards are build around. Which is great, I’m not complaining. I’d rather have a game with decks that have to build for power instead of just, like, dropping Dr. Boom into an aggro deck like back in GvG. I’m just saying, MC wouldn’t fix a thing.
As for the suggestion? It has to be nuts, because the other solution is to actually give Priest an early game and Blizzard clearly doesn’t want to do that because it happened. Ever. The healing is mostly irrelevant on curve. The thread isn’t “What card would you add to the Classic set” so I’m just not going to say Lightbomb or Dragonfire. And I’m trying to take a trash-tier card and plug a massive hole in the class’ balance.
And you’re even going to deny me Psychic Scream? I get that giving up the Fatigue win condition means very little in Hearthstone, but it is a drawback. The fact that you’re only buying more time is fine. The imbalanced part is where Priest blows you up for 40+ damage, but I hate that the class always circles around to Velen Mindblast or DS/IF. I’d rather run the same structure and have the win con change from year to year.
Like, without those, Psychic Scream is a pretty weak aoe. It just completely stops the bleeding for a little while by sac’ing longterm card advantage.