Petition to take out the stupid cleave pirate

im sick of people making these 2 non golden cleaves huge and destroying hard built boards. i wish they would remove him

Without him other comps would be impossible to beat. LEEEEEROOOOOYYYY JEEEENNNKIIINNNSSSSSSS

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plenty of ways to deal with leeroy lol

Yes, and tucking him next your DS taunt takes out giant cleaves, lol.

so mess up your build just cause they are playing like POS?

That’s how you play BG’s. You are supposed to evolve your build to your opponents. That’s how you get into the higher BG ratings. I’ve had more games than i can count where on the last battle for first i’ll dump 3-4 minions in my build for tech cards to just beat that opponent and win the lobby.

This minion is one of the best minions to take against numerous lobbies. Most players just pass it over and never give it much mind. However it can neutralize many builds that would otherwise seem insurmountable.

You need to learn that every minion draft isn’t something you are going to immediately play. It might be to put into your build later in a lobby to increases your odds against a couple builds until they are removed. There are other reasons as well but it’s something to get comfortable doing.


I’m down for removing that and getting rid of venomous as a keyword.

So only Big stat minions are playable?

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If you think a leroy is messing up anything you’re doing it wrong. That’s how you defend cleave.

Exactly. If you aren’t scouting and arranging and teching you will not climb.