Perils in Paradise: mage cards

I freely admit I am not the expert that others are when it comes to evaluating cards, but just reading through the mage card library, I seriously doubt mage will be anything but meme this expansion.
Compared to other classes, what they were given doesn’t seem nearly good enough.
Am I wrong?


There is space for faster decks and the use of concierge to activate cards that require spell spam very early while not losing board.

I personally more worried about the DH set that really feels more like evolve shaman support than cards for demon hunter and for some reason has a very weird support for stuff like self mill DH.


I feel the same about Pally cards in Mage.
I don’t play Pally, so I could very well be wrong, but the tourist cards seem like they benefit Pally way more than they do Mage.

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It’s really hard to say what is going to be good and what’s going to be bad.

However, I think Seabreeze Chalice sees tons of play. It’s a 1 mana deal 2 like a mini arcane missiles, but it’s 3 spells loaded into 1 which is really good value. Rising Waves is a really good control card. I wish I had that in Priest. It’s probably going to be pretty good at wiping early aggro boards.

Those I think are for sure cards, with the drink being most likely used.

The other stuff is Big Spell Mage support and you never know with that deck. It could pop off and it looks like it has potential.

I just think right now I’m seeing a lot of aggro and crazy early game power, especially in the DH cards and that’s likely going to stop a lot of decks from even competing. Maybe it’s just me.

And then the tourist has some interesting potential, but that is the one I’m less optimistic about. If it ends up working out, it could be really good because Mage would love to have a spell that has lifesteal.


Meanwhile Tess rogues are giggling like teens on 4th of July. Oh, and pain locks got a new 5-star leggie to play with. As if they needed anymore support.


Yeah, this is the stuff I’m worried about.

Strong decks shouldn’t be getting support. For sure we’re going to have some huge power outliers on release. My guess is Warlock/Rogue/DH coming out of the gate strong.


I know the game has to stay fresh, but I feel like Mage with lifesteal is sick and wrong, lol.
I haven’t forgotten FLJ in her prime… :crazy_face:


I think an elemental mage with paladin buffs could be fast enough to be good… A lot of the elementals are pretty good burn themselves (4 and 5 mana ones)… add in that one new 3 mana pyroblast/skarr elemental

Board refill with the paladin tourist + the sunscreens + a bunch of burn

I think tsunami looks like a fun card and can probably go in some big spell / midrange hybrid deck (obviously no minion mage as well) and ruin the DH set that wants to do attack damage. The tutor the top 3 cards of you deck would work well to reduce the casino aspect and theres probably just enough mana cheat available in the soon to be released cards themselves to make it work

I suppose you can even just include under the sea and sea shanty as your spells and summon a 10 drop on turn 6 (or I guess 5 with king tide) but that I imagine would only be a low winrate gimmick.

On the negative side I imagine so many other classes (the usual suspects of rogue, druid, warlock, and mabye even DK) are going to be so much faster that mage is going to have a hard time doing any of the big spell stuff.


I think mage may have a chance this time. Nothing looks mind blowing but it doesn’t look terrible this time.

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Combined with sif, machine gun mage?


Still waiting for Jaina in beachwear

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Ourobos is probably too slow for painlock.

It look more like stuff that a midrange deck would use because turn 6 for that deck is when you’re supposed to be ending the match.

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