People who taunt every 5 seconds

They sit there and delay their turns so they can spam taunts every 5 seconds. People doing this should get an automatic loss. They generally end up losing anyways, literally just wasting people’s time.


Was there a point to this thread?


What about people who travel and have iffy wifi that doesn’t work great and makes it seem they are doing it purposefully but aint?

Dont take it personally, its part of the game…

I usually do this when the game favors me or im going to win…

But i also do BM when i consider my opponent worthy, and I want to bother him so the game becomes more tense and interesting.

Its because this game is full of immature dirtbags. Like the ones who come on posts and ask if their is a point. When they know full well the point is people do not like playing against entitled children who spam emotes. I swear this community is such a foul place.


Is there a point to your snarky comments and garbage attitude? Really not hard to ignore a thread troll. Why don’t you find someone IRL to bully and treat like garbage instead of doing it anonymously on the internet.


I agree 100%. I am just saying that I do travel and my wifi sucks at times. I will log in to play and my connection is bad. Is this rare? sure. I just happen to know it does happen occasionally. No matter how good the hotel is the wifi is always iffy. Just saying. I know that accounts for a small percent however.

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I dont understand why give explanations, for my part, knowing that it bothers them so much is like fuel to continue doing it… :joy:


I click on their portrait and select the “Squelch” option.

Clunky and annoying and there should definitely be a setting to turn it on permanently.

I also turned off the music and sound effects.


This Just something else player do to annoy others. I almost find it as bad as players waiting until rope to pass on almost every turn.

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That would only make things worse
BMers would have to resort to burning rope exclusively in situations that could be resolved with a simple round of emotes released at the right time…
And many people would leave it muted forever affecting others who want to interact in good faith…
For blizzard and for players there are more disadvantages, than its advantages…

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If you click on the enemy hero’s face, a little button pops up that says “squelch.” Hit that and you won’t receive their emotes for the rest of the game. There’s nothing you can do about people burning the rope (since using your turn time how you wish is your right as per the rules) so try to just not worry about that. I know it can be frustrating for some people when they want to get on with their turn but this is just part of the game that we all have to deal with from time to time.


Unfortunately, that’s the worst part of this game. The community. Not all. But you get these idiots that think wasting another person’s time is fun or “strategy”. The best you can do is ignore it. Put some music on, and relax.
It’s people that can’t play properly, so they have to resort to annoy tactics. Or children whose parents didn’t teach them manners or good sportsmanship.


you’ll be amazed how many of them are actually near adults…

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I almost never use squelch button but I consider using it when people do the whole taunt every 5 second thing. It doesn’t affect me tilt wise but I’d also rather prevent it getting to the point it does affect me so it’s usually 3 strikes and I squelch

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I don’t know why , but the only time I get into a tizzy is when I’m playing against a GREED ATTRITION PRIEST, and they emote me constantly!

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Me in clash royale; gets taunted every 2 seconds.

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I’m sure the fan base for this game is mostly adults. It’s even more annoying knowing that grown a$$ adults are acting like 5 year olds


worst part of this game is the balancing, or lack thereof.

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The part that gets me is when I don’t squelch and someone just keeps spamming unanswered emotes. That is very troubling and makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with some people. They are not even getting a reaction and still keep doing it. I also think a lot of streamers do it so every nobody in the game thinks they are playing like a cool streamer when they do it. Actually saying cool streamer is incorrect. None of them are cool.