Pauper Twist in February

Ugh, for the love of cod, 'preformatted text', please.

Just one? I see no reason to not use two.

And is the contender for the title of ‘most clownish card in this season’.

At least 4-3 for 3 mana is not completely worthless, and this… Well, I’ve already written what I think of such players — those who play horrible cards just to troll someone, instead of playing the game.

That, by the way, looks like one of the stronger cards in the taunt package due to the stat buff — surprisingly enough.

If I were to play Warrior again, I’d definitely look into it.

You could add some, especially the latter, but it’s definitely greedy and expensive — and is more of a counter to the MetaTwin Tyrant than early aggro.

Why fixate on those opponents that are apparently supposed to counter this archetype?

Fewer, you meant to say? :grinning:

Played that early on. Ironically, this card is more popular in tempo Warrior, as opposed to Dragon Warrior, and doesn’t seem to clear tokens and such that effectively.

It just seems there aren’t that many active players at all.