Pally is #1 in both wild and standard

Wouldn’t a lack of skill be reflected in HSR data?
I mean; I just have the basic, but don’t their figures come from legend play?
Seems unlikely those guys would be making rookie mistakes.

Paladin is tier 2 in top legend play.

It’s also not out of line with the other best decks in the format at lower ranks.

It needs the board to win, so when people ignore the board and go face paladin punishes them. If you keep their board empty, they struggle to win. It’s lilterally that simple.

Doesn’t it? Nothing about the win rate at diamond and higher says it needs a nerf. mid 50s win rates aren’t oppressive in any meta.

But we’re talking about how well it does at lower ranks, where it has positive matches into basically everything that isn’t frost dk.

I didn’t say it needs a nerf either.
You have missed the point of the thread.

The implication is that it is a problem because of how you wrote the literal first sentence of the first post.

I don’t know why you aren’t on ignore. Your takes are so bad that I shouldn’t waste my time.

I’m done.

Because my implication was aimed directly at players who complain in real time about spellcasters when they are anywhere near decent.
There is a whine thread about Priest (and Mage lol, though it sux.) even as we speak.

I don’t generally ask for nerfs, and if you actually knew my post history at all, I wouldn’t have to explain that to you.
So be gone, and I will celebrate in the knowledge that someone who knows nothing of me, yet presumes to, is no longer engaging.

This is just a bunch crap. It’s some lies you tell yourself to feel good.

EVeryone knows you complain and moan about a time that wasn’t and a deck that isn’t, and everything since isn’t going to be good enough… but here you are complaining up a storm about bias, bad products, horrible designers, and anything else you can vomit out.

It’s tired, dude. You aren’t a good player, you only play one class, and I don’t know why you haven’t been banned for making the same basic thread every day or two.

Undead priest isn’t a spell deck.

I honestly think you’re the biggest troll on these forums. If I was a moderator I would have permabanned you and your alts years ago.

Not one day have you posted in good faith, and your responses here trying to dodge the reality of your intentions and implications of your posts, your inability to accept facts that contradict your narrative, andyour general tone with you’re (rightfully and correctly) called out are all evidence that you’re just here to stir the pot.

Definitionally, that makes you a troll.


Thought you were leaving? I thought you wanted no more to do with my opinions?
Yet; here you are, helpless, and unable to use the ignore feature.
Allow me.

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Have at it, my dude.

At least Jesus still loves you, so you have that.

And what high skill decks are there?
This isn’t exactly Chess.

There are lots of paladin complaints on these forums, they’re just watered down a bit by all the DK complaints due to it having a much higher play rate.


Well first of all there’ll always be a #1 class
And while I agree being ran down by paladin when the stars align for them ain’t the best experience, overall the deck loses quite easily and the only degenerate thing is class action lawyer.
It pales in comparison to the cancer that DK and Priest are

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I disagree. I have never seen the amount of vitriol that spellcasters field when minion classes are at the top of the meta.
Spellcasters don’t have to be tier 1, just viable, and they get spit on.

Ah? Be more accurate

Sure but isn’t checkers either.

We can go with the obvious by going to miracle rogue or find between the some older decks as:

Innerfire priest decks

The key here being decks with multiple ways to create and get out of problematic situations during a match.

It not needs to turn into a rocket science game but certain stuff has no business being a competitive strategy not only by a idealistic view but by a realistic one where it would need it’s cards to be overpowered in a vacum to overcome the lack of flexibility.

And the situation is slighty more complicated than people think because we are talking of a entire class when we talk about pure paladin deckbuilding restriction.

I really not talking for a nerf but for a design change that brings some degree of planning to who plays the class .

I don’t think Team 5 has much choice any more.
They have printed so many classes that there is no design space left at all.

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For their luck most players not care so much so here is how it can be done.

  1. Take something from other class.
  2. Put a twist to make it slighty different.
  3. Name thematically with names using paladin like words like holy, retribuition,Divine or whatever.

Haven’t they already done that repeatedly?
Other classes are now running the tempo and burn that mage used to run, for instance.
Now mage is running DR token.
Druid has better armor than Warrior does.
I’m sure there are way more examples,
but it seems to me that homogenization has killed any chance of having any diversity between classes.
I still say what I always do.
There are three basic playstyles, and eleven classes.
The math simply does not work.
And so; repetition, and decks that play exactly the same way are impossible to avoid imo.

They can’t because they don’t have any point other than just to infinitely complain about some vague slight they can never nail down.

Whenever they try, people show them why they are explicitly wrong, so they attack other posters instead.

Serioulsy, don’t waste your time with them.

Sure but you bring the same result with different methods.

This is what we call a subarchtype.

You can play stronger minions with drawback.
You can just swarm the board.
You can summon Minions with spells.

In the end everything here is aggro but they not only feel different but have different ways to be deal with.

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I think they should change it so only 2 legendaries can be played on turn 8 after countess rather than 3 (by adjusting mana costs). They also should remove the ability for the invitations to create legendaries that create more invitations (like that mage legendary).

I think the main problem with paladin isn’t so much paladin its just that most classes don’t have a good early game token clear aoe anymore in standard so they can just spam their 1 drops with impunity. Divine shield also is mana undercosted in my opinion.

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