Paladin really is mega busted

I personally beating pallies but the deck is really insane.

It only did happen because tons of random damage helping you clear the board every turn makes their live miserable.

Even more when don’t have something on the board means said damage going face.

People playing that deck should be reported as cheaters.

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Okey I think I finally came across the good version. The VS version is sooo bad I couldn’t understand the hype. The best one runs deckhand and Outfitter and looks much better. Imma try it out, seems fun.

I’ll post my deck list later when I’m on. It’s hand buffs and lifesteal galore. You use your aura for defense and offense and just continually clear boards until a minion sticks where windfury finishes or you leeroy windfury into a massive damage.

I don’t think people are using the new 6 cost girl that does cleave and deathrattle like I am either. She gets lifesteal with that aura it’s a board wipe and full heal.

It does well against aggro because it has so much lifesteal. Once you get a few buffs in you are good and you literally heal to full over and over.


Usually, decks dont aggro you turn 1 - 7 AND otk you. Not even rogues do that.

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seems to forget the 7 turns of premium stats and board flood (and often premium board control tools) that lead up to this.

Rogue is high skill cap.
Mage is bad and has been for a while.
Hunter literally only does face damage.


They just never learn their lesson. Leeroy was Hof’d for a reason, and no one wanted it back. Plus they learned nothing from Battlemaster giving minions windfury.


They REALLY should’ve known better than to put this much handbuff and charge into one set.

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I’m pretty sure I just did over 70 damage to this Paladin (as Big DH) and none of it mattered. He ended the game at 30 HP behind two 13/12 Zilliax and a 9/8 Divine Shield Lion mini.

What even beats this? This is absolutely reminiscent of FoL Pure Paladin that would be a sticky aggro deck for the first few turns and then just wreck you from 26 health or so with Horn of the Windlord. Except this deck also has Lifesteal…


Okey yeah Paladin is busted. I landed on this list that just feels perfect 30 to me. I can OTK people with 1 Southsea Deckhand and double Outfit Tailor on turn 7 and I don’t even need Windfury. This deck is nutty, the VS one felt like a wet noodle in comparison.


Class: Paladin

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (1) Righteous Protector

2x (1) Scarab Keychain

2x (1) Southsea Deckhand

2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter

2x (2) Instrument Tech

2x (3) Acolyte of Pain

2x (3) Deputization Aura

2x (3) Muscle-o-Tron

2x (3) Outfit Tailor

2x (3) Shroomscavate

2x (3) Tigress Plushy

2x (3) Trinket Artist

2x (4) Painter’s Virtue

1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins

1x (5) Toy Captain Tarim

1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (4) Ticking Module

1x (5) Perfect Module


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Shroomscavate ->new line of text, “this minion cant target face this turn”

EDIT: this will make him a bit weaker, not destroy the class but weaker

I easily heal 80-100 damage every game. There is just so much life steal and you heal to full so easily. I have To take 30 damage in one turn in order to lose it seems.

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If you don’t see the people freaking out about ALL of those things then you’re blind. Or you are yourself and you’re under the delusion that people aren’t freaking out enough.

Completely ridiculous. No, they should not.

Its funny how no one is asking for a shroomscavate nerf due to a shaman deck using it. I think the main problem is in the paladin cards.

Deputization aura, that new lifesteal weapon that gives +1/+1 over 3 turns and the excavate reward being downright trivial to complete, as well as divine shield being way undercosted for what it does are what makes paladin strong. I think shroomscavate is merely a symptom.

The problem is paladin needs these things to complete in a world full of unlimited board clears. The class is a mostly token deck and its the only viable one available. There are no other tribal/token decks putting up anything competitive. Even other stat bomb decks like handbuff DK / taunt warrior aren’t taking things over.

Its a crying shame that paladin will probably get toned down again and we’ll all be back to playing mostly spell based kill from hand decks for another year.

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It took you a while, but you’re finally crying over right things xD

I’m honestly shocked it hasn’t been hotfixed over night. The game’s unplayable right now

Paladin may be the worst, but in general there is way too much damage from hand at the moment.

You went out of your way to quote me, but can you point to where I said I never ever saw people freaking out about other things?

No? But you call me the blind?


As above, point to me where I demand people to freak out more about other stuff.

My post is more about pointing out that this game has all these other crazy degen things, that mega buffed windfury leeroy realy is par on course.

My post even pointed out how this strategy is as old as HS. It’s just that power creep means instead of a 6-10 damage leeroy was enough back then is now like a 12 damage windfury leeory.

As usual, it’s you who’s under some delusion about me or what I said (or didn’t say)

Yeah cause Mage falls over to a light breeze, it literally can’t play for board and hasn’t been able to for a LONG time. Rogue is restricted by being extremely hard to pilot and also still not having the same premium stats that paladin gets. And hunter’s “combos” are VERY slow, when it plays for burn it’s over the course of multiple turns so there’s actual time to react to it.

Like, the primal color, basic of basics for hearthstone is rock, paper, scissors like interaction between Combo, Control, Tempo. You can blur the lines a bit, but when you have one archetype that beats the other two the meta becomes awful.

That sounds like justification to me. How about instead: all crazy degen things are bad. Yeah, that’s better.

I do think that the amount of actual crazy degen things is exaggerated a lot here. You know, the “I lost to this once, therefore it’s bad” posts.

Nah, you were definitely simping for paladin here. And still are. Maybe “blind” was a smidge of an exaggeration on my part, looking back I wished I’d used some other phrasing that didn’t involve a serious disability. But in the sense of “blinded by glare on the windshield” yeah that sums up your relationship with confirmation bias rather well.

Seems perfectly legitimate to me. You’re playing a bugged deck and getting an edge. That’s cheating. I report them all.

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