Packs not granting legendary cards as Usual

I initially bought and opened 54 packs of Emerald Dream packs. Within the first 10 packs, I got a legendary like normal. However, after opening an additional 44 packs afterwards, I got zero legendary cards. According to the link Blizzard gave me from my ticket:

^ This link says that there is suppose to be a safe guard against this and award a legendary on an average of 20 packs/5% chance or a guaranteed one after 40 packs from the last legendary opening. I opened a legendary within 10 packs like normal. So, this means I should have got at least one more, at the minimal, from the other 44 packs I opened. I had submitted a ticket and all of the responders did not address the legendary after 40 packs part in the link they sent me. They told me to report it to the bug thread, so here I am.

So you should currentlly have only 3 legendaries from the expansion in your collection
-A random one from the expansion reward track
-the random one you received in your first 10 packs
-(and Noralex if you’ve already reached lvl 20 in the reward track)

Is that right ?

Were some golden-only packs? Those are counted separately.

Did you browse your collection and filter only on legendaries from that expansion, to make sure you didn’t forget about one?

Correct, those are the only ones I got.

No golden packs.

Yes, I didn’t forget. I was even thinking of taking a screen shot of my pack openings. I didn’t however. I did a mass opening after I got the guaranteed one and when it shows you the recap at the end, it said I got zero after 44 more packs opened. Never had this happen before.

Did you take a screenshot of that?

No, but I should have. It knocked the wind out of my sails and I just kind of sat there for a minute then went and crafted the cards I needed instead.