Orbital Moon 2nd Bug Encounter

While using Death Knight, Orbital Moon did not apply reborn on Splitting Rock after Zola the Gorgon was summoned, applying Zola’s minion copy battlecry to Splitting Rock.

This is the second time I have summoned this new minion after summoning an adjacent minion, only to witness reborn not being applied to a game-changing deathrattle minion. I believe the first bug I encountered with Orbital Moon was when I tried to use the reborn feature on Amateur Puppeteer. I summon an adjacent minion first, then apply the spell but nope, no reborn!

I don’t want to use this card anymore if it will only work half the time…

just in case
you have to play a card that is adjacent to orbital moon in your hand
not summon a minion to an adjacent position of the minion you target on your board