Opps all scam is not a healthy battlegrounds meta

I think 3000+ posts dismissing “legitimate criticism” (such as yours) still better than 4 posts and thinking that BGs should be balanced as you see fit, because clearly your opinion is so important.

The title of the thread is “Opps all scam is not a healthy BGs meta” looks like a troll post to me.
I think scam undead is a lot of fun.

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they had a mora out killed the base gill they had a grip of 7 drops. didn’t say filled the board said summoned a bunch important distinction. it was a week ago at this point i remember the mechanized mech coming down and at least 4 more i don’t specifically recall. its strange to think it’s easier to call someone a liar than accept the possibility they just got dumpstered. but that’s more about Dallaen’s comment over this one.

People are complaining always about some counters. First it was poison, now it is respawning.

Often it is enough to play 3/7 to just wipe his entire board once in midgame (pre-finale) and they are in huge troubles. Undeads need huge buffing of attack as well as some HP, so they dont die to 3/7 (with baron).

No, you can triple into them or promote minions with battle cry. The undead can replicate itself readily.

I hit someone max damage on turn 10, 56 damage to face, because of undead T7 stacking on the last minion, which spawned an entire board of them.

This is the meta, honestly. You play a sold game to turn 10 and then you either go out in one or two turns or your board works and you win.

It is common to get highrolled right out the door from turn 10 onwards in all kinds of lobbies.

I think all any same tribe sucks and is the least possible skill testing because it’s just a race to the engines and rng decides more than anything you do.

Now it’s reboard venomous, actually… which is worse than anything poison did.

It’s not the setup that is the unbelievable part it’s the fact that they are saying they got to this point in a game with full health. Also having a hand full of tier 7’s by turn 10 is nearly impossible. They need a few more turns beyond 10 to get that much. Even so games are designed to end by turn 12-13 max so getting to those turns and getting beat is part of the game.

There are red flags all over their post that don’t add up.

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There’s a lot of exaggeration with BGs right now because a lot of people are clearly upset at what its become.

Now don’t get me wrong, it is definitely way more wild and crazy and high roll than it was before. I dislike being in first on turn 10 with full health, getting hit for some massive damage from someone who high rolled and getting sent to 7th place and then the very next turn face the other person who high rolled and get knocked out all in 2 turns. That really sucks. That really didn’t happen before. If you were first on turn 10 or so before, you likely would finish top 4. Yes, BGs is not quite what it was before. It’s a massive power spike in return for massive changes. Not everyone’s cup of tea, I get that.

However, a lot of people exaggerate too much. I’ve been in lobbies where I’m at turn 13 and NOBODY has been eliminated. If you ask other people, that’s impossible, it never happens and people always get eliminated by turns 6-7 or “I always have 4 people leave immediately in every lobby”. People are going to exaggerate because they want to make “worst case scenario” sound like “every day scenario”. In the last 20 games, I’ve been in 2 games where I saw turn 17, a turn people want you to believe doesn’t even exist and is impossible because they “never” see a game past turn 10. Complete BS exaggeration.

My biggest complaint with the mode is just how high roll it is. You used to be able to play for stats and that was a decent strategy. That just does not work anymore. You cannot play for board stats, you have to play for a high roll synergy which is often determined by what you are offered. You either get the Slamma NOW or you die, you won’t make it.

For example, I was playing Chenvaala. I need to have Elementals to upgrade the tavern fast. It’s turn 6. I haven’t seen a SINGLE elemental at all. I finally see one turn 7 and slowly start to gain traction. But it’s too little too late, I’m dead by turn 9. Now, back last season I could play the board with mixed minions for stats until elementals became present and slowly stabilize. That’s virtually impossible now. Someone is going to massively high roll and you’re going to get massively hit. Thus, everyone has to play for the high roll. There’s no such thing as slowly stabilizing because mixed minion stats mid game is so incredibly weak.

The only suggestion I’ve seen that seems decent to balance things out is to make it so generated minions/tokens always count as 1. Deathrattles spawning tier 7 deathrattles or tier 6 deathrattles hitting you for all that damage because of a scam high roll is really feel bad. That LAST hit you have to do on the opponent when they have 2 minions left has to hit the left minion and not the right minion. The difference between the 50% chance is 7 damage and 50 damage. It’s way too high roll scam damage right now.

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I’m sure my opponents felt the same way when i built the old school undead build with Onyxia. Sure it wasn’t a 5/5 coming back but it was pretty close and enough. It’s not like this kind of setup hasn’t happened before the anomalies existed.

I’m surprised players haven’t been more upset with the Ticket build lobbies where you never leave tier 1 but you have boards with minions in the millions of stats. Is this just deemed acceptable??

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I think it’s because it requires a bit of luck to hit it. You need the coin generators, which aren’t there if nagas/pirates aren’t there. All the videos I see of people doing it they are dead last about to be eliminated and then they get lucky and hit the combo just in time and then snowball from there.

I’ve been in 3 lobbies now with the darkmoon prizes and 4-5 players all stay tier 1 and not a single player has yet pulled it off, they always end up getting rolled over by the others tiering up hard. So it’s just another scam high roll.

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I have literally been on the other side of this factually at turn 10 and again on Turn 9. Me, personally. Twice.

I had ONE tier 7 minion and a barron at the start of the turn each time. My last minion spawned an entire board of recurring nightmares, and the opponent (look, maybe they lost a couple armor, but it doesn’t matter, they still had armor) took 56 (55 on turn 9 - I was still T6) damage to the face and gg.

It was a factual otk and no armor tier was stopping their death.

That’s a huge, huge problem imo. Boat was removed from the game for less.

I see this, too. I’ve seen people critical of damage cap, and I feel like many of the risky things I see would have been killed hard if there was no damage cap on the first 8 turns.

I have seen this once this season. Once.

I have seen turn 17 maybe once or twice in the last year and both times was final two head to head moving boards and tech to get the advantage.

My last game i took first and the lobby was over on turn 11.

I don’t know what pocket of meta you are in, but you results are not typical.

I feel like I’ve been saying this exactly since the update before this one, but no one wants to hear it.

The difference between highroll and normal is too big - there’s too much power in tier 4 and 5, making games super rng.

There’s also no pivot into a better strat if the pieces fall in your lap.

I frequently see cards that would have been autograb (Nomi is a big one here) but find my self passing if it isn’t a triple into the unit because it’s too slow or too late to switch. Seriously see nomi on turn 9, look at the board stats, and go “nope, can’t get more than 10 elementals max on it in the time left… pass”

I think it’s because too many people don’t understand what they are seeing. It really comes out of nowhere and if people don’t read forums or reddit or something they may not even understand that little tidbit.

One that I have been exploiting is timesaver. You can bank 20+ gold easily in early turns and tier twice on the same turn with gold to roll, too.

I don’t know that people understand that you get three more gold (six with the trip) EACH TIME YOU END A TURN WITH GOLD LEFT. Like, it stacks faster than corpse refiner without needing reborns or death rattles.

EDIT: I also think it is way past time to revert the tier 5 cost increase because it destroys any kind of flow you have in the leveling of tavern tiers.

Make an anomaly that updates the tavern for free on stanrad curve and see how that works in the mode, actually. I’d be interested in tiers being turn based and not costing gold.

Okay ONE tier 7 is a possibility. The OP is saying the opponent had minimum FOUR. Now tell me your scenario again on turn 10 where the opponent has Four Tier 7 Nightmares in hand with a complete build.

This is the last comment i am making on this post but i will be money we are not getting the whole story.

You only need one.

It puts the dr on a different friendly undead minion, it’s multiplied by baron like any other DR, and it stacks on minions.

It stacks. You can have four or five or seven of them on a single minion, refilling the board each time.

What it does not do is stack on itself, so having a board full of them is actually counterproductive to using them.

I will bet money you don’t understand the interaction if you’re saying this.

In both cases when I did this the last minion had seven stacks of the nightmare, and killing them refilled the board.

if only there was some sort of way to give undead reborn or trigger a death rattle multiple times. but hey if its easier for you to call me a liar than accept there’s ridiculous circumstances around a game designed to high roll into problems than I guess that says a great deal about your personality. I guess in the future I’ll just have to screen cap every game to satisfy trolls like you.

I definitely agree that Cheezus was being dismissive. But I have a question for you: how would you define the difference between legitimate and illegitimate feedback?

I mean, the first thing I thought after I finished reading your opening post is “you’re not cheesed out EVERY game,” in response to the last sentence. Not to say that you made no points or anything, I had times during reading where I was nodding along. But you seem to have an appreciation of your feedback that is as disproportionately high, kinda mirroring how Cheezus’ appreciation was disproportionately low. It’s pretty rare for me to read a post and think the writer is 100% right, and it’s pretty rare for me to read a post and think the writer is 100% wrong, and that’s okay.

So my question — what makes feedback legitimate? — isn’t facetious here. When it comes to the OP I really don’t know. Or perhaps more accurately, I haven’t decided.

The recurring nightmare is a tier 7 undead minion available to any hero in the tier 7 exists anomaly if undead are in play.
Respectively, the nightmare is available to Thorim as his tier 7 choice, if undead are in the lobby, in any mode thorim is playable.

I should also note that Tess and Scabbs can snag a nightmare from Thorim if that is his tier 7 in play.
Also, if your dark moon prize is discover a minion from your last opponents warband, you can try to get one that way, OR another way would be through Mourozond. There are other craftier ways.

All of this said, you really need your undead attack buffed, lots of reborn, and Titus Rivendare online to get a decent effect from the nightmare, ensuring you have some taunts to protect Titus, while moving him from cleave damage.

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I never stay in the anomaly that has tier 7 available. It is legit my least fav of all the options. I insta quit it every single time. So naturally Id have no exposure to any tier 7 minions outside the shenanigans of Thorim elsewhere. I really dont see how anyone can scale their undead builds anymore unless they highroll as well as speedrun to tier 5 and 6 without buying anything along the way. There are literally almost no board scaling minions for them until you get to the super rare endgame tiers of 5 and the mythical 6. I wont entertain the idea of 7. Most tribes seem to be this way nowadays… its gotten to be really cut throat and unenjoyable. If I have to tier up every turn I have the gold to do so why am I even playing anymore? That isnt an enjoyable time… not for me at least. Guess thats why I enjoy the anomaly that forbids anyone from tiering up on their own. Its such a better game at that point.


Yeah, it’s pretty crazy that you can rake less damage for not playing something…

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Im not following what you getting at there.