Opponent Playing 8 libram of divinity uses up all my time

Played against a dreanai paladin with the 0 cost give minion +3+3 at the end of the turn return this card to your hand.

The animations go over their end of turn. The first time they started this it ended with me only getting the time it takes to burn the rope for my turn. Every turn after I was unable to play anything but the opponent always got a full turn.

I would say the bug is that when the time/turn is over on the opponents turn, the time it takes to play out the animations is taken out of my turn.

This happened on an android phone.

Not sure how to share the video

If you think that is the card causing the problem, then it would be best to say its actual name, and also include it in the title, so others with the same issue can easily see this bug report.

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Good suggestion, changed the title!