Only 2 boards on mobile

I’m on mobile and I played for a while and I only see 2 boards is like this for anyone else

in what game mode do you mean?

Do boards even change in standard? Not sure, but that is likely why since I think the board does change in Wild

almost every expansion has had a new board

since pip isnt getting one

it should be the sunkin city one

It depends on what you play, in Wild there are all the expansions and therefore all the boards, in Standard there are obviously fewer.

This is the first time, not a good sign =|

Wait what? There is no new board for PiP??

I guess we’re going to get the absolute bare minimum from now on? This game is in such a downward spiral.

there is no evidence for a new board

please prove me wrong, im begging you!

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if theres no new board i wont be happy

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Maybe it just wasn’t ready on time and they’ve been delaying the reveal until release? I hope that’s the case because no new board would be terrible.

It was already confirmed by Cora and Hat there wont be a new board or a cinematic trailer for the expansion.

And this news comes after MTG released an amazing trailer yikes.
Not looking good for Hearthstone.

Could you provide a source for this? I can’t find any references to this, all I see is just speculation but no confirmation yet.

Like i understand enjoying the clickables on the boards, but let’s dial back the theatrics a lil bit lol

Sure, if you want to think that games modes shutting down, no solo content, dwindling e-sports support, no in-person community events/ fireside gatherings, no expansion trailers and now no new expansion board doesn’t indicate a downward spiral for the game…

I don’t care about the clickables on the board, but having a thematic board for each expansion is absolutely a bare minimum effort to accompany a new set. It doesn’t even spend a lot of resources.

If I had to guess tho, the most likely explanation is that game boards will become purchasable from now on. Not releasing a board this expansion is really really weird. How much effort goes into these really? it’s a mostly static background with some funsie interactions. That’s what I mean with getting the bare minimum.