One bg build i wish they would do away with

The pirate baron build, soooo old and annoyong to face and is based on who attacks first

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they should get of murkeye, a lot of OP builds would be gone.

If they have dragons in as well it’s insane. They keep enchantments and you’ll get like 30 pirates to attack in a row all with like 30 attack each before you get a single attack off.


oh yeah i saw that once, that was very funny

That interaction is definitely predicted by the Devs, no way it’s accidental, believe in the plan.

There’s a way to abuse it even more. If you are in a Dragon Lobby Get yourself a Poet and stick it next to a Phalanx in the 3rd position from the left. Keep the phalanx in the second position. then grab the trinket that adds +15 to attack to the minion to the furthest left. Now put a pirate in position one.

Make sure you have a flag bearer in play in your build somewhere and a Titus.

Now when the left most pirate dies and summons a new pirate to attack from the DR the phalanx for a split second will slide left and gain the +15 attack buff permanently because it’s next to a poet. This repeats and keeps buffing for each summoned DR pirate. Instant massive phalanx. The best part is that the Phalanx or if you have two keep getting the Flag Bearer buff and are stacking extra pirates within themselves when they die because of Poet.

They fixed this interaction with Leapers but i guess they figured it was okay with Pirates.


They didn’t even playtest it. Dog was showcasing that build like, day 3 of the new patch.

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I don’t doubt it. However most players don’t really pay attention to streamers and don’t know about this interaction.

Yeah, this is what I was referencing when talking about them attacking 30 times before you get 1 attack off. Ideally, you want 2 Flag Bearers and 2 Phalanx to start stacking super fast but the way you said it works really well also if you just have 1 phalanx and 1 flag bearer.

I like going
pirate / phalanx / poet / phalanx / flag bearer / flag bearer / titus
and keep that for a few turns.

But you need that +15 attack. So crucial.

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I’m glad I don’t take BGs seriously.

That’s pretty much the optimal build for pirates with the perfect lobby.

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When are they gonna add the troll tribe? We need a zul’again raid