I have made a ticket about this, but the Game Masters helping me with this ticket cannot help me and told me to make a post here.
Here is the story:
18th of june at 18:46
I saw a colleague of mine play Hearthstone at work on his phone and I decided to download the game on my phone as well since he was a brand new player and I remembered I had a nice budget deck I wanted to show him to get started.
Of course I had a new phone since the last time I played and had to re-enable the Authenticicator on my phone through a text message.
18th of june at 21:19
So I play a couple of games, and at some point even take an accidental screenshot of my Hearthstone home screen.
20th of june at 15:10
As I’m playing the game and completing some quests I realize I’m over 150g and can attempt an Arena match. I click on the arena and see a failure from the past with XXO. I decided to go for a fresh start and click the key. Splash screen shows me a Boomsday cardpack and 30 gold. So I head over to my card pack inventory to check on my goodies… No packs. I check my gold… 30 gold was not added.
After creating the ticket I decided to just do a Tavern Brawl. Won that, got my classic card pack and opened it without a problem.
21st of june around 08:15
I read the reply by a GM which suggested I already got the cards and the gold. Pointing out the cards I got from the Brawler pack (which I remembered because it contained a Flame Imp I already had 2 of. I was disappointed at the time).
Also, Since I made the accidental screenshot, I know how much gold I had at that time, which was 135 gold. I never spent anything and I completed the quest for Lunara, which is 10 wins. That alone should already be 165 gold (10 gold per 3 wins). At the moment of making the ticket though, I had 175. So I never actually received the gold either.
21st of June 22:33
I read the reply from a different GM who was a Specialist. Who basically told me the same as the previous GM told me: that the cards must’ve appeared in my inventory and that I simply missed it.
And again, suggested me to take it to the bug report forum.
I added some screenshots for the GM in the ticket. I’m not sure if I am allowed to add them to this forum. I’ll remove some possible personal info before I do though.
I hope you can help me out and figure out what the cause of this bug is/was. So it can’t happen to anyone in the future. It’s weird to just be given a basic response and telling people to “accept that they missed it” and “it must be in their inventory”. I understand it from the helpdesk pov ofc.
Either way, I hope this can get resolved.
Kind regards.