Oh, There You Are

How many times have you been looking for specific cards, and they never show up, no matter what, the entire game, and you (generally) lose the game because of not getting them and/or horrible draw.


You get those cards in your mulligan.

:rofl: Plenty, although it’s not necessarily the mulligan phase of the next game. Meanwhile clowns without much skill, to put it politely, just get exactly what they need with hardly any card draw, while yout might be fishing through your entire deck. For example, sometimes you think: what’s the chance of not getting at least one copy of two cards in your deck after drawing half of it… five times in a row… every day? Clearly, everything you’ve learned about probability theory seemingly doesn’t apply here. My own [conspiracy] theory is that the game employs advanced AI to gauge the players’ IQ (‘Me am smart? Yep!’ SMOrc Anyone remember that song, btw?) and then rigs the pseudorandom effects in order to ‘help’ more… casual players (‘Me go face!’) and make it… less frustrating for the masses, so to speak.

PS Oh, and no, psychological biases have got nothing do to with it.
PPS Playing Classic and Mercenaries nowadays, generally all the way towards leaderboards, with the passage above related to the former. Facing plenty of bot-like opponents and simple netdeckers, with so few players who actually seem to calculate, play around likely threats and so on — why would one ever, anyway? YOLO! — that’s the way to di it, especially when the game is seemingly so helpful.

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