Odyn warrior resurgence?

Why am I seeing so many Odyn warrior players all of a sudden? The deck is not good and not only that it’s boring to play (my opinion) Don’t get me wrong, I love the easy wins. I’m just confused.

Warrior is like the mage. Many people play only that for “lore” reasons. They want their macho man.

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Makes sense I suppose

Often, a popular streamer/youtuber specialized in off meta deck publish a video with a few wins, not showing the losses, and people find the deck interesting and give it a try.

Many times i have seen Brian Kibler or Thijs playing a certain deck, and lo and behold, a few days later, the ladder is filled with it, for a short time.


We’re crying that people play bad decks now?
I didn’t get the memo, when do we start?

You must be new here.
People have complained about tier 3/tier 4 since… forever.

Crying? I know reading is hard, but maybe you should try reading a post before commenting. I literally said I was curious about it. Was no complaint whatsoever. I swear people like you make me lose braincells.


Yeah, I don’t think that’s possible in your case xDD

I noticed it too, and im guessing its cause a true otk with it is getting refined. The triple 5 armor gain card with the “gain double the armor” card definitely caught me off guard.

Coming from the guy who is chronically online replying to EVERY post. You not only have no braincells, you have no life. Sucks to suck huh?

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If it did, I wouldn’t be doing it

You don’t have a choice. Cope.

Bro, it’s okay. Just take a breather and move on.

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Take a breather for what I’m not upset about anything?

There’s only 2 decks having wr about 48-50%. Zilliax (with or without Brann) and Odyn. First one was nerfed, so people try something new.

People like Control Warrior, likely because they are A) Masochists or B) loved the auto-concede nature of Brann Warrior during Toy Expansion and are trying to recreate that high.

its’ very similar to the mage love thats’ from our dear troll Mal.