Octomasseuse+Always A Bigger Jormungar

As of right now, according to the text, Octomasseuse and Always a Bigger Jormungar should be a combo.

Octomasseuse: Deals octuple damage to minions
Always a Bigger Jormungar: Give a minion +2 Attack and “Excess damage dealt by attacks hits the enemy hero.”

So the way it reads is that if you combo these two cards, Octomasseuse will deal 24 damage to a 1hp minion, there should be 23 excess damage to your opponents face.

Instead the card is calculating the base damage difference. So you will hit -8 to the minion, and -2 to the opponent’s face.

Weird that the calculation is skipping over the part that ON the minion there is an excess of 7 damage being ignored.

Always A Bigger Jormungar is not calculating damage properly when minions have text specific damage modifiers.

they designed it (Octomasseuse) that way on purpose. i saw in a video.

Yeah just maybe there’s a reason why they are not allowing a 4 cards 9 mana combo to deal 39 face damage from hand

i believe giving your opponent a Soulbound Ashtongue or Brain Masseuse would work though. I guess Ashtongue since hunter can get it easier, in wild at least.

Video link?

I would like to know when they said this. Was it on X?

Not a video but a tweet from a dev