Observer of Myths ,,The logic of the map is broken,,

The card ,Observer of Myths, adds +1 to damage to all allied creatures if you summon a creature with an attack exceeding 1. This is different from the description. The logic of the script is broken!

After you summon a minion with more attack than this [Observer of Myths], give all firendly minions +1 Attack.

Every time you summon a minion with a greater attack value than the observer of myths, all your minions will be buffed.

This is how the effect is described, and this is how it is working.
What exactly are you reporting ?

Increasing the attack power of the card ,Observer of Myths, does not increase the attack requirements of the summoned creature.

(Battle simulation):

  1. The card ,Observer of Myths, gets an attack level of 1+X>0.
  2. You summon a creature with an attack score of 2+X.
  3. The card effect ,Observer of Myths, activated.

This is a blue card for the hunter class, its potential is 1/4 for 2 mp.
Similar indicators and effects are typical for legendary cards, but not for blue ones.

Thank you for your reply, I am very glad that you care so much about the stability of our beloved Hearthstone. <3

I tested the card before posting my first reply and I didn’t observe any bug with your scneario
Turn 4 I play a 1 Atk observer, then play a 2 Atk minion, my minion get buffed
Turn 5, my observer is now 2 Atk, I play a 2 Atk minion, my minions don’t get buffed, then I play a 4 Atk minion, and only then they got buffed

If the complaint is about the rarity of the card( should be legendary so can only run 1) it is an unnamed character so it shouldn’t be “legendary.” Second if the design team did care that you can run two they would look for a legendary character to fit its role for example Alexandros Mograine(DK) effect is stackable but it is slightly harder to get multiples then say putting a bomb/plague in your opponents deck.

Thanks for the test. And I apologize for distracting you.
It’s weird, there must have been some combination that I didn’t understand. Maybe I didn’t take into account some spell or aura.
Thank you again and I apologize for the time spent.
Have a nice day.

If I recall things like leokk(has 2 power) or Zilliaz 3000(the buff module) that aura buff him check his new stats to see if they are higher so if he is at 1/4 and you play a leokk off patchwork pals I don’t think he triggers but I could be mistaken. Is this maybe the interaction you had?

I think you’re describing the exact opposite of what they witnessed
But it could also be what they didn’t understand, maybe they misstook the buff from leok or zilliax as the buff from the observer