N'Zoth and charge bug

When creating a Construct of N’Zoth as a N’Zoth Mercenary, you must designate your opponent with Charge.
However, even if specified, there is a bug that only summons and the N’Zoth’s creature does not attack.

느조스 용병으로 느조스의 피조물을 생성할 때 돌진으로 상대를 지정해야합니다.
그런데 지정하더라도 소환만 하고 느조스의 피조물이 공격을 하지 않는 버그가 있습니다.
빠르게 고쳐주셨으면 좋겠습니다.


They do not attack because server set them attack to ZERO.
Also enemy minions mindcontrolled by N’Zoth’s second ability has health set to zero so they die instantly.

How they managed to break it?..

Yeah they just spawn and sit there. N’Zoth worthless atm. Please fix soon.

Update: All this happen only if first equipment is equipped.


This is still broken