Novice Engineer

Hi, can we unnerf Novice Engineer now? I believe it is far past time to do so, right?

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No it’s a free basic card and we can’t get anything remotely useful for free even though it won’t see play even if it gets buffed back to it’s original 1/2 stats. It would need to be at a 2/3 draw a card to see any play now a days.

Seems random. A 1/2 or 2/1 to novice and 3/1 or 2/2 for the 2 mana deathrattle probably wouldn’t break things.

But the only place this card is “played” rn is in the brann deck of twist. Brann still feels strong imho. Even though Arfus is dominant now, Brann still seems to have gas and finish.

It isn’t about whether it is played or not it is the principle of it. The card never really deserved the nerf it got all those years ago, here we are all these years later and it’s still nerfed. I just really enjoyed the times of hearthstone hearing “don’t you like my invention?!” sure we can still hear the voiceline but it’s taken out by a 1 damage instead of 2 like it should be.

Play Gold Panner in place of it.


Gold Panner just reminds me that Nat Pagle is also still nerfed and should be reverted as well. Again, this is not about the power of the cards or what I can replace them with, it is about principle.

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As if greedy Blizzard cares about that.

Fight for the change you believe in, be the change you want to see. Your statement is a cop out and a big reason why so many things are bad in the world, and heading in wrong direction. If no one speaks up, then we are truly lost.

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Overwatch players tried to get Blizzard to listen in mass and they failed, so there was a massive amount of players that left that game and Blizzard still kept up their bad habits, Blizzard simply doesn’t listen

That’s fine…I will still do my part to fight for justice. Novice Engineer and Nat Pagle won’t be forgotten until Justice is done

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admirable, but without backing, you will surely end up as a “end is nigh” corner street doomsayer to the blizzard executives

Does Team 5 care about what the game was like in the Before Times?

Then back me. How do you think any change in the world happens? Or are you the type to go along with unequal human rights because to speak up might be difficult or uncomfortable? Join me, and be a better fellow human. It starts with 1, and gets multiplied by 1, it makes 2. Keep going and we become an army not even the universe can stop. The power is yours.


Terrence Howard has entered the chat.

Disclosure: didn’t read opening post because OP on ignore. I don’t know why I clicked on what I clicked on.

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That is your loss, and I pity you

Okay Mr T

(the T is for Terrance)

The T is for Tureaud and his name is Laurence. Besides I thought you had me on ignore, what are you doing replying?

it could probably be 2/2 in stats now really. since gold panner is superior otherwise except in double battlecry decks. or 1/3 maybe. acolyte of pain is 1/4 now after all. loot hoarder could be 3/1 or 2/2 i guess. Pagle should be unnerfed and probably should be 0/6 or something wacky like that. maybe give him doomsayer stats.

Miracle Salesman is basically a 2/2 Loot Hoarder that costs 1 with Overload 1. Except you can pay the Overload whenever you want the draw. A 2/2 Loot Hoarder wouldn’t even be good enough. I guess a 2/2 Novice Engineer would be okay.

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Yet all I am asking is for it to be as it should…a 1/2