Noticed.... Anyone else?

recall the reference to LPG making all the difference. In games between top players the results are the same. Logic. Use it.

Lol, nice save, bout to make you look mighty silly

I’m not one that has been invested in Blizzard games in the past, so WoW Classic and WoW holds no weight with me. RuneScape was my MMORPG, and I haven’t played it regularly since I’ve started Hearthstone.

As with player engagement this expansion, it’s definitely down in some ways.

With Saviors, I had a friend just say there’s nothing “new” enough to keep them engaged, another quit due to “balance” of cards, and I figure the cost to maintain a collection is ever present as a reason to quit.

I think the way the prominent Standard meta has turned out in the last couple of expansions after the initial hype, has left some people feeling disappointed. Looking for a reason to quit, people jump onto the “auto chess” bandwagon.

I’m back to playing more League of Legends currently.

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Mine has been because of work. I just come home and want to play a couple of games. I lurk on the boards, but most posts are just salt and I don’t feel like arguing.

Can’t explain why but all of the sudden the cost of HS each year is starting to weigh on me.

That and I play WoW classic right now, but I don’t necessarily see them as direct competitors.

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Honestly, I still play the game a lot but just don’t see the point in being involved in community discussions any more. Blizzard don’t listen, never have, never will… how could they when they spend all day on Reddit. There’s no point wasting time and effort coming here every day to discuss improving the game just to be ignored by mods and devs.

Post MVPM era… sad days :frowning:

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*Hearthstone Team.

I remember SCII Co-op. I think the community involvement there was fantastic.

Maybe the problem for HS is, that they haven’t introduced a Co-op mode to lessen stress while playing.

The game is actually in a great spot as far as meta is concerned, lots of viable decks in every archetype, but Hs as a game is getting old, the novelty has worn off and there’s real competition, so it’s not surprising that it’s losing some players.

There maybe other short term reasons , Vanilla WoW being a big one, but I can’t see Hs ever hitting the crazy level of popularity it’s had in the past.

I still enjoy it, after having taken a break, and the queue times are still negligible , so I’m not really worried. As long as enough people play the game to make it worth releasing new expansions , and I can easily find an opponent then it’s all good.

It’s possible that a decline in player numbers could be good news for us that are left, hopefully Blizzard will be looking at new incentives to keep us engaged , so we might get more free stuff, social features, tournaments etc. which is fine by me.

That is my point, most players that come and go will never even know or care the forums exist.

I am sure that 70%-80% of my dead friends list didn’t.

And not just casual, I would have thought new player after rank 25.

Thanks, but I don’t think it will help.

My friends list now consists of dead friends and ones that do login mostly daily but I am not sure when.

I haven’t been able to do spectate a friend for 3 days now and with the pointless tavern brawl quest I am missing dailies for the first time in 2 years because I can’t swap them fast enough or complete them.

And my dead friends list is a month and counting now, even the ones that used to play every day.

A casual players friends list just doesn’t seem to work any more.