Nothing special for HS at Blizzcon…

It was on the schedule, but I logged on missed the start and they where talking about duo’s I guess I missed the start where the mentioned bg’s I thought they where talking about some PVE tavern brawl or something. Gave it 10 minutes and decided I will figure it out when It happen and then went surfing YouTube to see what people where saying about wow.

Oh, the only thing announced for the game at blizzcon that year? Apparently, we did different blizzcons in 2019…

How can you tell the actbilizz defense force is lying, fellow forum goers? The "(name is typing)” for one of them has popped up:

“The first is the Descent of Dragons expansion, which launches on December 10”

htt ps://

clearly not done at blizzcon, considering they’ve been selling it for the better part of two months now, and blizzcon just ended.

Well considering most of what you listed was actual hearthstone content (7/8, since one of those 9 isn’t an actual blizzcon annoucement)…I’ll take a shot in the dark and say…ACTUAL hearthstone content!

They could have even teased next year’s schedule. We know more about rumble and the (derisive snort) “three expac saga!™” for wow than what is going on next year for hearthstone.


I don’t REALLY hold grudges. A waste of energy. However:

What did you expect them to talk about when the majority of cards and the expansion have been announced already?? BGs got a pretty big update; an update I’ve no real interest in myself and must be meant to boost BGs in the eSport scene, which is neat.

Personally, I was more interested in the Diablo and WoW part of the convention. Some nice announcements for D4, tho it was mere crumbs. Then Metzen comes on stage and builds me up with the thought we may actually get A) Warcraft 4 and/or B) WoW 2, but all we got was the next six years instead of the next two. That cinematic was amazing, tho. I wish they’d reconsider making Warcraft movies. Just start over and later into the story of the universe.

Not nothing special for HS only, nothing special in general. And they even had the balls to talk about warcraft rumble, I’m surprised they didn’t get booed again. I think they probably have some rules in place now so it doesn’t happen again, that’s why nobody booed at warcraft rumble.

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I don’t care that it was announced during blizzcon or not, these are just the major updates of the game, excluding PVE modes, and expansions are announced at anytime during the year so they are nothing special to be announced

Once the blizzcon on itself is off, all that remains of it is internet posts and videos, just like if it was revealed outside of that convention.
There’s no difference in an expansion being announced before, during, or after the blizzcon, it will be the same expansions once released.

So, just off topic posting then. Most of us actually read the thread’s title.

Except for, you know…the fact it along with the overall lack of real substance for the actual game made the hearthstone part of blizzcon line up exactly with what op is talking about.

You mean the game for which we already had an official post of it not being a part of the big announcements of the convention before the convention even started ? The same post that OP quoted in another post that is linked as the second reply in this thread ?

-Hearthstone will not be part of the big announcements of this year
-Hey they said Hearthstone is not part of the big announcements of this year !
Hearthstone is not part of the big announcements of this year
-I’m disappointed they didn’t announce anything big for Hearthstone

Yeah ? Like it was planned in advance and we already knew ?
We already knew about the expansion and they still announced a new “sub” mode

Would you have prefered that they delayed the expansion so they could announce it during the blizzcon so we would have had the same exact content in the end with no gameplay difference, but announced during the convention ?


Hearthstone rotates after the first of the year, and it seems like they make are their major HS hype at that point. It’s an event opposite blizzcon on the calendar and a way to drum up interest beyond blizzcon. Seems like HS would get lost in the shuffle at blizzcon as they have much bigger titles.

I don’t know why anyone would expect them to kick off their anniversary celebrations and whatnot six months before that anniversary.

If only there was some other alternative to your, what’s known in layman’s terms as a “‘black/white’ (or) ‘either/or’” fallacy. Oh wait, thank goodness there’s usually more than one alternative:

literally almost anything more than “well, we’re killing all hype for the mode before the con even starts. Might as well not even tune in.”

Also, confirming op was right after going on about him being wrong most of the thread.

Not kick off, but being six months out, they know what it’s going to be. Teasing it could generate hype. Which is what blizzcon and events like it are about: making announcements and getting people excited for the coming year(s).

I said it elsewhere, but if Star Citizen (yes, THAT game) managed to generate more hype at their convention…hearthstone and actiblizz are dropping the ball.

This from the guy who just said

That’s how much honesty means to Boba

But then I’ll be ridiculed for touching the grass and not reaching Triple Dos Equis Mythical Rank 5.

Also I cant even find the grass in the middle of this busy highway… oh well…