Not getting daily quest

Hello, today I didn’t get my daily quest. I was able to reroll one of the old ones but not matter how many times I restart or log out. I don’t received today’s quest
Please advise



Same here. But I think I got the new one but lost one of the old ones.

Me too. The problem started with yesterday’s quest, and today I received at first a new quest. However, after I had logged off and logged in again, an older quest was missing, without having been completed. So, 2 days in a row, I practically have not received a quest.

I had a 50g and a 60g quest yesterday. Logged back in after today’s new quests and noticed that the 50g one disappeared (another 60g quest took its place without rerolling).

Defenitely frustrating.

Same problem. Since quests always come at midnight Pacific, I stayed up late clearing my queue just to have an opening, played until 10:30 then woke up this morning and saw nothing.

Same with me: yesterday I was given a quest after completing the Uldun one, but it was gone after I logged in with the smartphone. Today, the same happened. 2 quests gone missing.

Same problem here. Had 2 quests yesterday, logged in today and only have the same 2 quests. No new quest for today.

Same problem too. Completly same problem like Algalord.

I also didn’t get a daily quest today, but I still have my quests from yesterday.

Bumping up cause today again I was unable to get a new quest

Same here. I always stay with 2 daily quest to reroll the 3. But yesterday and today again just 2 quest here, the 3 slot empty. 2 days in a row… ¬¬

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Same here… I have two quests from yesterday, but nothing added today.

Hello. This is day two and I am not getting any new dailies.

This also happening to me. I’m not getting daily gold quest.

Not getting new quests either, last one i got, was the expansion quest.

Me too. I had 2 quest slots filled last night. Same 2 this morning.

I failed to generate a quest on Wednesday as well.

Same here. I didn’t get my daily quest.

I am having the same issue since the Saviors expansion launched. On launch day, I did get the special “play 100 cards” quest, but no new regular quests starting on launch day (i.e. 3 consecutive days of now new regular quests at this point). Each day, I have been able to do my reroll of a quest, but no new quests have been happening. Playing on Android phone. Definitely have had an empty quest slot available each day as well.

I also did not receive a quest from the last server reset. My queue had 2 regular quests and my 3rd slot is still empty. I completed the launch expansion quest.