The dev team adds the Hamm. Seriously, I played mill warlock decks that removed less cards from the opponents deck than a warrior can currently do in standard.
To be fair, I added Hamm to my taunt warrior deck because sometimes you never draw blackrock and you need ‘anything’ to help.
Hamm has Taunt so having or not other taunts is irrelevant
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Hamm is meh. If you can’t deal with an understated taunt minion for multiple turns you were never winning that game anyway.
Hamm is what you have trouble with? Not say, Muensterocity? Followed by resurrect your highest taunts? Each of which spawns another 6/9?
Struggling with hamm and not complaining about the 14 unkilliaxes that can get spammed.
I don’t have problems with Hamm, it is a fair compared to the mess that is Boomboss.
That being said I have yet to see Muenstrosity in a game so by that metric Hamm is bigger problem
Lol I just had a DK game and my warrior opponent did Replicatinator for a double Hamm turn 10. Unfortunately for him, I had Reska, Deathgrowl and 4 minions on board already. He conceded immediately after I took both of his Hamms and hit end of turn
I can deal with hamm, the turn it’s played usually. It isn’t the issue, it removes one card. It’s combined with the 6 other cards I lose from Boomboss that it amplifies the issue, especially since hamm is targeted removal and the game is not hearthstone anymore, it’s Battlecry: The game. The only minions I really run are ones necassary. Sure they can get ratted and such, but removed from my deck? low blow really when boomboss already exists. Why compound on something people already complain of?