Norzdomu Quest Not Completing

Stuck at 2/3 Norzdomu day quest. Have won three games and lost several more, thought I was conceding early but its definitely been three. Win 5 Ranks games quest progressed as intended

Have experienced this bug as well. 3 games played with Nozdormu in deck. All games played in full, did not concede. Stuck at 0/3 quest progress.

Obvious questions:

  • Was it ranked mode?
  • Did you put the right Nozdormu in the deck? (There are two different Nozdormu cards)

It did work for me yesterday.

I’ve had this problem during the past 2 hours. It’s the correct Nozdormu - I even got start of game animation and the sped-up timer. Did not concede early. 0/3 progress made.

I’m am also a victim of the daily Nozdormu daily quest bug. I played 3 games, with a deck that exclusively exists for this quest, just before the server rollover and got snubbed rewards because it didn’t clear one of my daily quests. Quest progress still shows 0/3.

This is also bugged for me. Quest is not completing, I am not conceding, and have the correct card in the deck. Pretty frustrating.

Yup, same here. Stuck at 1/3, played two games today for nothing. Anyone going to give an ETA on a fix?