No Way To Get Gold In Mercenaries?

Mercenaries is all I play. I only have 120 gold total and evidently no way to earn - or buy - gold for Campfire upgrades? Am I missing something? Is this an oversight? Working as intended (screw the player)?

This is a CRITICAL issue for “new” players. Or is this forum tab just a joke?

Daily quests at the main screen in your journal to progress the rewards track for gold rewards.

I just found and realized that the New Player forums don’t get any attention either, so I stopped by.

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I don’t know, if it was on purpose. But you have to play the old game, (reward track and daily quest) to buy buildings in mercenaries. I would have thought they could have separated them, since it’s a new game. They tried to keep them together, ( I should be happy about it) but it divides people into two groups, the old game and the new game. I wish they would have made some minions transferable.

while it’s definitely fastest to do the dailies just playing mercenaries will progress the rewards track (those map with arrow icons that show up at the end of a round are your progress towards it.) with more difficult matches rewarding the most.