No talk about new Paladin Legendary Spell: Starlight Groove?

Thats when games are won ATM. Maybe you didnt notice it…

In todays meta yes, but we don’t know how the new meta will be yet. Maybe it will start like Sir D. meta, which was rather slow. But even today there are some control decks out there, which managed to go to late game, one of them DK with a hero power ping.

No we dont.

You under rate the card, others might over rate it. But at only 3M, its gonna be much better than you think for an ALL GAME effect.

How I underrate it, if you even agree with me that it won’t have an effect against aggro while knowing that most decks kinda work like aggro. DK, DH, Aggro Druid, Shadow Priest (tho this one will rotate)

You can say the same about what the Paladin is doing. Having clunky turns to fit in a holy spell is not efficient mana usage.


But the Paladin can’t win either, since he’s wasting his turn to cast a holy spell.

Depends on the holy spell.

Hero powers are, for the most part, worth 1M.
Holy spells are worth their face value, with the addition of DS to Hero (in this case)

Situational, sure, but HP’s are fillers. Something you do with excess mana, for the most part.
Not a spell you would include in your deck with the intention of actually playing.

The problem is that this is a card looking for a deck.

This isn’t a card that will kill the opponent.

Is there a deck that will use many Holy Spells throughout the curve AND kills the opponent? Then this finds a home. Otherwise this flops harder than the Warlock Discard Quest.


I love seeing it, as a control player it tickles my…

I never disliked cariel, if it was meta, just ooze it. This beats greedy decks like warlock fireball face…

Well, if they just print Holy Headcrack…

… the nerf pally cries will block out the sun! :joy:


Exactly this is why I think it’s overrated, because

  1. You need many holy spells to get value
  2. It only negates the first hit.

It’s not Cariel or the 3 mana 1 Immunity spell from wild and the only time I see value for this spell might be in a control vs control mirror against Priest or Warrior, who don’t have access to pings, but Astalor is a thing so…

It would be a complete different story, if Paladin would have access to card similar to Sister Salvina, who gives him infinite value for holy spells, but even then only for control matchups.

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What holy spell? I’ve gone through the list and didn’t really see any good ones that could generate a Divine Shield each turn and help you win the game.

I wouldn’t say Holy Spells are filler, but they are support. Something to either keep you or your minions alive for one more turn. They’re good, but they aren’t a main. If Holy Spells would help you win the early to mid game, they’d be played more, but like I said, they’re support. You need minions, which you can’t play since you want to keep your divine shield up.

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Why would you be looking at current lists when you know there is a high chance support is coming for it in the expansion?

I don’t understand why the community has such a hard time grasping that other cards are yet to be revealed when they know that expansions present synergies to support their cards and they immediately judge a card without taking that into consideration.

Did it not occur to anyone that a holy spell generation card could likely come with this?

The entire theme is based on a band playing a song…you get a band, you get a song and you get instruments. Why would you see the card for the song and not consider the band card and the weapon (instrument) doesn’t support it?

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Because all holy spells are similar. Either buff, heal or debuff. There are four (4) Holy Spells that deal damage and they’re all in the Legacy Set. The odds are very slim that they’ll change the nature of Holy Spells now.

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This is a holy spell that can absolutely be tutored for reduced cost.

by what, what is going to tutor it and reduce its cost

in standard


I assume stoneheart vindicator or a similar replacement will be in standard core. Paladin doesn’t work at all without some kind of spell tutor.

This card main purpose isn’t control right now imo.

This card will mitigate the damage paladin takes using all the blood spell and blood crusader.

At the moment, Paladin deplete his HP very quickly with blood seal + blood crusader + sanguine soldier , making him quite vulnerable to burn aggro deck.

Kotori + seal is -6 hp, crusader + countess is -7 hp, sanguine soldier is -2 hp. Just playing these three combo cost half your life.

With starlight grove, blood seal generate a divine shield, then deal dmg to the generated divine shield, being essentially a +3/3 divine shield card.

You can create a shield before cheating out a card like countess or tirion with crusader.

And of course it ll help against burn card user. but I doubt it become a viable control tool ,it would require to cast an holy spell every turn, and even then any 1/1 token (which any aggro deck have in abundance) would destroy the shield, making it a poor strategy.

So overall I think its more of a buff to aggro paladin, helping him feel more balanced and enabling mana cheat with crusader.


Stoneheart is rotating.

In any case where she wasn’t, why would she pull this spell?

Wouldn’t you be running a whole lot of other Holy spells that she would be pulling?

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Remember DR Rogue?

For 3 expansions you lamented about having the DR minions to support.

This could easily happen with this card too. Let’s wait for those eggs to hatch before we call them.

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