Seriously lol
Everyone who hates the Cariel hero card is gonna hate this too. Not the exact same effect but seems kinda like the new way to help Paladins avoid damage
So now on top of taking half damage we have to deal with them being immune to damage most of the time…yay? Blizzard would not recognize balance if it was a pitbull wearing a hat saying “MY NAME IS BALANCE” biting them on the tuckus.
Oh, for sure. I don’t think people are doing the math. Assume you play this on turn 3. For the rest of the game, so let’s assume an 8 turn game…that’s 5 turns of mitigated damage from the first source. IF all sources are 1 damage that’s basically 5 free armor…or a Shield Block without the card draw. That’s worst case.
If you just mitigate 2 damage per turn on average, that’s 10 damage mitigated for 3 mana on an 8 turn game.
Now start considering a 10-12 turn game.
Now in wild combine it with Cariel…YIKES. And then other effects that make your hero immune, etc. Paladin can really draw out games.
Now start considering weapons. You can give yourself DS, hit a minion, cast a spell and you’re back to another DS in 1 turn.
I would say a nice mathematically average of mitigated damage from this 1 spell could easily reach 20-30 damage mitigated PER GAME.
I’m like to main Paladin and agree with this fully.
Oh wow, when I first read the card I thought it cost 10-mana, at which I thought, ok this looks likes a late-game OP power, but likely won’t see play due to games not going that far.
Then I saw your post and reread and saw its a 3-mana card. WTF, this thing at 10-mana is arguably overtuned or OP, at 3-mana its not just broken, its absolutely positively not okay. At minimum it needs to be in the 7-8 mana cost, but that seems pretty broken as well.
And keep in mind this is an easy tutor.
If we see some spell that allows itself to go infinite in hand (think of Svalna) but for Holy for Paladins…well…
And I don’t doubt that’s likely coming.
Oooh, librams back to core, go go!
The forums would erupt.
Countered by astalor as always.
Especially with the new secret that casts a random holy spell when your hero is attacked.
Edit: not a real card. I’d assumed the above was an April fool’s joke so I was playing along. The fact that this is yet another uninteractable, immutable effect that let’s your opponent dictate the game conditions unilaterally is super dumb.
They want at least 1 deck to be able to play control.
Astalor countering it is fine because chances are its a control deck.
5 Star card the control card we need and yes think it needs to be cheap because aggro is strong early and because its lke an investment idk just my two cents.
Cariel rotates out. And while this will come out much earlier, I think it is much easier to deal with, especially for any class with a hero power than can ping.
This does almost nothing against aggro. It just further squeezes out any deck that wants to play tempo.
Yeah it’s a major mid range deck killer.
Ah yes 0 damage refresh. Seems great to use on silver hand decks. Absolute bs
I’m gonna say it now, because the card is bs.
Move 3 mana to 8 mana pls.
Il take you and rinsewizards take on this your better players then me i am surprised this is bad vs aggro but ok i can see why because aggro can go wide but alot of midrange decks have a few strong minions.
Seems useful but not THAT spectacular
Right, aggro usually has more small attack minions.
So take 18 damage coming to your face for example.
If it’s aggro, 18 damage to your face usually has attack of 4/2/3/3/2/4 right? You would only mitigate 2 damage.
If it’s a mid range deck, 18 damage usually looks something like 8/6/4. You’d mitigate 4 damage.
Now consider playing this on turn 3 vs aggro. Probably a really bad play. 3 mana do nothing…it’s like 3 mana heal for 2. Terrible.
But playing this on turn 3 vs Mid range is a great play because you’re not getting swarmed early.
So, less tempo loss vs Mid range, more damage mitigation.
The other side to this is that Paladin usually has a lot of tools to deal with aggro via their own aggro minions or healing. So Paladin can build a deck where that 3 mana play against aggro is cushioned with healing/removal.
It is good to note that this sucks vs stuff like Mage and DH and Hunter where they can just hit your face for cheap and then go hard.
So Cariel is 10x better than this (assuming you keep the weapon). This card isn’t THAT broken, it’s just REALLY good vs certain decks.
I think the deck this really wants to fit into is a Paladin deck that uses weapons. Paladin can basically make their hero immune, swing with weapon to kill off a free minion, then play a spell to redo their DS on their turn.
THAT’S the deck this card wants to be in - one where the Paladin uses their DS on their own turn instead of relying on mitigating damage from the opponent.
So the question becomes “How good are Paladin weapons?”
I’m guessing if pally casts that 3 mana spell that damages themselves, they’ll take the hit first as the spell needs to finish its effects before the DS refresh kicks in.
Of course if pally has an existing shield, casting that just means your shield blocks the hit, then you refresh the shield immediately
What would be interesting is if they create holy spells that can cast outside of your turn, but still refreshes the shield
Consider if the text says “casts at end of opponent’s turn”. Then pally can shield up before morgrain or lock curse hits. Heck, they may even block fatigue damage.