No synergy picks in Tombs of Terror

The AI needs to provide synergy for deck building otherwise the solo content is just RNG non-sense that leaves the player feeling powerless. We went through this with Dalaran Heist and now it’s even worse because dual class identity has made the card pool even broader. Just fix it now and don’t wait WEEKS! I’m not touching the solo content until I hear of an update/hotfix. I’m glad I didn’t spend real $$$ for this solo and I don’t plan to spend any gold unless this is fixed. The regular content has been frustrating. I can’t imagine what heroic feels like. Get it together, Blizzard!


Agreed. Still my biggest complaint with these adventures: Some buckets and choices are downright insulting. In almost no situation would anyone actually pick a “Quest” (especially not later on in the run). There are so many buckets offered that are outright garbage and unpickable.
THIS HAS to change. If they’d want to focus their ressources on anything next time, it’d have to be this.


I don’t understand this, I always had something good to pick; minions, treasures and Bazaar Bob stuff alike.

It is RNG though, so I might get worse picks next run.

I think he’s on about building a specific type of deck, like secret or spell slinger mage, most cases there’s an alright option but if you’re playing a fast deck that rely on drawing you don’t want to clutter it with heavy stuff and vice versa.

If they tailored the bucket system around your initial deck and treasure choice I don’t think it’d feel as bad. Like a bucket full of Mech Warpers being offered when I have 0 mechs feels bad man


This. The problem is that there are too many picks in the pool that just make your deck worse, too often.

On Normal mode, you can get away with building a deck without much synergy but lots of balance. This improves the average quality of picks, e.g., you may be short on early game spot removal and see a Mech bucket with some poisonous, but this is a boring way to play ( at least after the novelty of the opponents wears off), IMO. It was also way too inconsistent in DH Heroic, and I’m guessing here.

If you go with synergy, out of choice or necessity, it gets so much worse. You can:

  1. Go with the exact same bucket every time, which seems to increase its likelihood of reappearing, but that makes every bucket that can’t consistently carry itself (and there are lots of them) trash
  2. Go with #1, but shift after your second passive to a good support theme, but you’re praying to RNJeebuz that you haven’t just wasted 30 minutes. Like, you start Taunt, pivot to Battlecry, then see neither forever.
  3. Try to go with synergy + balance (I would LOVE this). This could work if, as you say, buckets took your deck into consideration, but they don’t particularly seem to. It could also work if different buckets had significant synergy with each other, but again, this doesn’t seem to be the case. With a few exceptions, each class seems to have a small minion, big minion, several class and vanilla keyword, and 1-2 others, buckets in their pool. It really looks like Blizzard just picked a known theme and auto-filled the Buckets.

I mean, if Blizzard scaled the work they claim to have put into Zephrys to the bucket system here, I think there could be much more player control, and they could flat-out increase the difficulty and make the game better at the same time.


Definitely hate it when all buckets contain some useless cards. A good example was when I used Finnley with his 5/1 Lifesteal Lance combined with the Overload Hero Power. I didn’t want any other weapons in the deck because they’d be dead draws once I got the Lance (a 50/50 chance with just 1 other weapon in the deck. A card that’s dead 50% of the time is terrible), yet somehow the Hearthstone gods managed to bless me by offering 3 buckets that ALL had a weapon in them!

I also just have to laugh at how 1 of them (didn’t pay attention) has a bucket specifically for Pogo-Hopper. Good luck building a Pogo-Hopper deck! (unless you got Bob’s Pogo-Hopper deck, but that requires being offered the VIP Membership treasure AND once in the Tavern Bob not giving you 1 of his other decks).