No one sees anything wrong with taunt warrior?

It tempo’s and it buffs hand, and it taunts, and it aoe’s.
I could go on.
If this were a mage deck, it would already have been destroyed, lol.


I tried it once before expansion. It’s not consistent at all and heavily relies on black rock and roll. If you don’t draw it then it’s a terrible deck. If you draw it, then it becomes a really powerful deck.But there are still people that can board wipe you easy.

Taunts aren’t as strong in this meta.

It has a lot of counters that you don’t think about. Plagues for example. A rogue or a priest playing banker, etc. 1 counterspell. It really hurts.

between it and DH there is nothing else in the lower rank metas.
Team 5 really has no idea what they are doing.

Yes and no.

They know that introducing 100 cards to an existing pool is going to have unforeseen consequences. Theres not much you could do about it except maybe only allow 1 or 2 Xpacs to be in a “year”.

Then there are the facepalm cards that, regardless of previous Xpacs, are just common sense broken on release.

So, I think they know what they are doing. They are playing with fire. Doing the best they can and we are the ones getting burned.

There is no “yes and no”, it’s plain and simple yes, they’re clueless.

Obviously, taunt warrior is a meme deck which can only be found in lowest ranks on the ladder, but DH is the only viable deck left in the game. The game has never been as unbalanced as of yesterday’s patch.

Your optimal play is to play DH for a 50-50 game because the deck is left without a single counter.

In legend 90+% of people play DH.

Calling yesterday’s patch a “balance patch” is a mockery

I just don’t think it’s possible to perfectly balance all these cards.

There’s no way they can predict every interaction.

They don’t beta test the Xpacs.

I don’t ask for a perfect balance

Granted, I have complained once or twice previous patch about the state of the game, but I would now give everything I have to revert the patch and play against 50% pallies, 25% dh-s and 25% of all the rest

Rather than 100% dh

Check this out:
Here is the deck I’m playing. (thanks Minami)
I was told this deck won’t ladder far because it’s: “too fair”.
Here is the Warrior match . Faced 3, so far.
Even if I did not play it perfectly, my point is:
This is what passes for balanced?
The deck has literally everything, and so does the DH deck.
I won the DH match, but I suspect the opponent played it wrong.
Honestly, Standard is more broken than Wild is.

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The deck is so passive… Play a taunt… hope it lives until the next turn to go face.

Sure it has some burn with the 8 damage taunt guy and the mech resurrect guy + that weapon but for the most part its possibly the most ‘out of your hands gameplay’ deck in existence.

It sure would be nice if Taunt Warrior was what’s wrong with the Warrior class in general, lol. I much prefer facing that than Odyn Warrior.

Well; maybe I don’t know how to play against it.
It sure seems like it has an answer for every occasion.