No golden crown on completion of dalaran

I finished heist of dalaran second run (The violet hold) on both normal and heroic with rogue but I don’t get the golden crown above it’s portrait afterwards.
Is this a bug? I’m a completionist so I’d like this fixed :wink:

thanks in advance


same problem as u, i get some crown i didn’t finish and some run i couldn’t get the crown

I have a similar issue. on all the stages I have the crown of completion for the first 3 heroes, but not for any others. issue is I have completed different sections of the heist with different heroes.

Please read: Known Issues List 2019 - Updated Dec 12th - #9 by Aelathera

I have same issues - I have crowns on heroic heroes on third chapter which I haven’t even started yet and I am missing crown in second chapter on healer with whom I have just beaten all bosses