Nice player agency

Your snobbiness is an eyesore.

Sir, your issue isn’t with me, remember?

It’s with these pesky little things called “facts” and “data”.

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I’ll complain when I see fit without needing to reference a website’s data. Something your narrow focus doesn’t allow you to see by the fact you proclaim “why aren’t people complaining about hunter”

It’s because of its low play rate and fast-paced gameplay not leaving a bad taste for the opponent. That’s something your data can’t portray. So try to use your own reasoning to answer your question if you truly don’t know it. Unless you are just trying to create commotion about the same question that keeps being brought up: Why aren’t people complaining about X.

And that’s why you’re consistently wrong on so much. Want proof?

Diamond through Legend (that’s all of Diamond and all of Legend)
Most played decks since patch
#1 Highlander Warrior - 24,000 games
#2 Spell Token Hunter - 6,800 games
#3 Plague DK - 6,600 games

There you go again. In your world, you’re playing your own Who’s Line Is It Anyway? where the facts don’t matter and the data means nothing

You consistently can’t be more wrong.

You don’t know anything because you don’t like data and facts. You like anecdotal experience and use that to make broad statements that are wrong.

Provably wrong.

You think you did som?
Zoo Hunter’s play rate wasn’t low before the changes also. And yet, it wasn’t being complained about, the same way it isn’t being complained about now.

It’s evident that people don’t mind losing to hunter as much as losing to warrior. Try to use your own thinking for a change to try and understand as to why that is. See it as a personal challenge not allowing the usage of a site to form an opinion.

Narcissistic epistemology. So, what, any place on Earth that you haven’t physically been to doesn’t exist to you? The conclusions of every scientific experiment that you haven’t performed yourself, a mere hypothesis? Your approach to knowledge is deeply antisocial and even anti-civilization. The specialization of intellectual labor is fundamental to the growth of both human knowledge and humanity generally, and that means that at some point you need to have the humility to trust people who’ve put more work into knowing things than you have.

In practice, what your attitude means to Hearthstone is that you don’t see power, you only see popularity.


France isn’t real!


My statement is not literal.
They are asking why people aren’t complaining about Hunter. I shared my opinion that it’s because people aren’t facing it, and that’s the reason. Then I am basically called a bumkin for providing a subjective opinion. I could be wrong but their question is obviously of subjective nature.

Since the stats show the deck is very much playable and supposedly overpowered, then the reason isn’t an objective truth. I dwelled into my experience and taken advantage for it. I won’t say sorry for that. And I also don’t like you assuming things.

Take pride in your big word usage. You got me, the idiot that is uninterested in the stats and prefer just playing and talking about his experience, rather than parroting website’s data.

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I think you’re being hard on yourself. You may be a little over reliant and confident in the accuracy of your experience, that’s all. You can take into consideration your experience alongside considering what the experiences of others says (as shown in data).

Those asking for changes should be asking for buffs. Constant nerfs is unsustainable.

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Spell token Hunter? Is that a combination of Spell Druid and Token Hunter? xDD

What kewl means to say is, noone plays Hunter around 2-3k EU legend so he doesn’t care.

And for a reason - it’s boring, repetitive and it sucks.


The day they realize that every single argument on this site is caused my a misunderstanding due to the lack of physical communication will be a day of growth for the people here.

I don’t mind being misunderstood but just to prove what I am saying I’ll tell you I don’t dislike the stats whatsoever, I am just indifferent to them since I am playing a video game and don’t care enough to check them for changes day by day.

Apparently Hunter is more playable now than it was before and my opinion was outdated. Perhaps next time the other person involved should relay that information without being a snob and not cause this misunderstanding.

It’s just what it’s called because spells generate tokens.

And he’s wrong. Just because he doesn’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist and doesn’t mean it’s bad.

In fact, Top1K Europe, guess what the 4th best deck is and the last deck in Tier 1? Spell Token Hunter.

As far as saying it’s not popular, that is over 2,030 games since the patch. That’s about half as many games as Highlander Warrior and nearly 3x as many games as Zarimi Priest. In fact, for Europe Top1K, it’s the 2nd most popular deck…and it’s the 2nd most popular deck in ALL of Legend, ALL of Diamond, and ALL of Diamond and Legend combined.

This is why anecdotal evidence means exactly squat.

I don’t disagree.

Don’t disagree.

That, I disagree with.

We tried. With stats. And data. Which YOU rejected.

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The Internet can be a rough place, but it’s derivative of the life outside of it. I was going to agree that people here lack social skills, but truthfully are more socially disinhibited. People in these places are less prone to being polite and friendly. That can perhaps be regarded as unfortunate, but people offline simply lie and hide more.

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In before “but you were snobs”

Maybe a little. I yam what I yam.

6,7% hunter popularity over 25% warrior popularity = around 1/4 as many as Warrior, but OK

Stats say what they say, although, personally I play on 2 servers in top 1k and I have in total seen 8 of them in 2 days (and won 7 of those), and my sample is few hundred games.

You’re not even guaranteed to see one if you come play 1 session in that rank. Playing against that class is terribly easy, as it’s very one-dimensional and depends on a few cards.

Also, even if you make this about “stats vs experience”, you’re wrong. One completes the other and either in a vacuum can be deceiving.

I think your epistemology is just about as narcissistic as kewl’s, you just happen to be significantly more intelligent so you’re much better at rationalizing it. I’m not nearly as confident that I could take you in a debate on the subject; I think you could potentially win with a false premise.

This that you make fun of creates arguments in real life.
Us being on the internet doesn’t give you any more reason to be a snob unless you want to argue.

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Based on what?

Simply relying on experience only can be subject to all sorts of biases, so experience in a vacuum doesn’t work 100%.

Stats depend on the context and need to be analyzed and interpreted properly. You have to know all the variables to do that, and the fact is, noone on this forum comes close to even counting all of them, let alone accounting for them. Thus, stats in a vacuum also don’t work 100%.

What you’re left is a 50-50: stats combined with human empiricism to interpret those stats correctly.

You talk about fairness and then you go on putting 100% on stats in a stats vs experience, which is plainly hypocritic, illogical and wrong.

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What’s your point? That Warrior is exceedingly high play rate? Yes, I agree. I never denied this.

But the 2nd most played deck, per the stats, is Spell Token Hunter. That’s the point I was making. Warrior’s extremely high play rate doesn’t make that untrue.

Remember, in another thread, I specifically said that the changes likely made Warrior stronger when people were saying Warrior sucks.

I’m not defending the current state of Warrior.

I’m attacking the current state of Hunter. People complain about Warrior. They are silent on Hunter and have been for awhile now despite Hunter consistently sitting at top.