Nice Job buffing Nature Shaman

Slowing down other decks only to let Shaman reign supreme with their inconsequential 1 mana increment in Flash of Lightning and the 0 mana increment in Crash of Thunder. Great job.

Really feeling my player agency rn.

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Explain to me how Hunter was slowed down

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I played 70 games this month and I haven’t faced a single Hunter.
The deck doesn’t exist, that’s how.

Expect to see it a lot more

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I won’t be seeing it since I won’t be playing.

How do you know nature shaman nerfs (which are 3 nerfs in total) did nothing then. Maybe we should hold our horses with a 30 cards balance patch and wait to see its actual outcomes.

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Two nerfs. I don’t think the nerfs will impact the deck much at all - the question is what will the new meta look like around it and whether there are new matchups that give the deck problems. I don’t think we can know that yet.

You are right I jumped the gun.
It won’t only be Shaman dominating but also Warrior.

The nature shaman changes are minimal at best. I would guess the deck turns into more like a turn 7 maybe latest turn 8 otk now.

Hunter however has been one of the best decks to play in this meta for the last month or more. It also happens to be one of the cheapest decks to put together and relatively easy and straightforward to play for new players. The reason you don’t see it as much is because it falls into the same category of all Hunter decks and that they become boring and repetitive and people lose interest in them.

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Flash of Lightning is a 2 mana nerf if you are playing 2 of them in the same turn to go off with your combo, it really isnt that light not to mention you cant really defend yourself the turn you set up the combo, which is at least 2 turns slower, and the more cards your opponent spends to stay alive, the less they have to try and kill you.

If I remember correctly, nature shaman ran Miracle Salesman, which is also nerfed.


I don’t think it will anymore though. I would call it 2½ nerfs because Salesman was one of those 25th-30th cards that you could swap out for something else without it hurting too much. On the other hand obviously Flash and Crash aren’t going anywhere.

Some of the versions did but a lot of them didn’t. It was just better to have the totem and panner. That change to the salesman was more targeted at siff and anything else that might combo off the oils later on.

As pointed out by many, the snake oil itself was really only for draw. Sure there have been a rare few times I needed that 2-3 extra damage but as Scr0tie and Dallaen noted there are plenty of cards to sub. Personally I like the turn 1 2/2 body, and that didn’t change.

Nice Job buffing Nature Shaman

Actually, looks more like ‘buffing singleton Warrior’ to me. That deck was somewhat vulnerable only to plagues and WoD Warlock practically, they’ve killed the first aspect and nerfed the second deck.

Nope, probably because there’s no reason to bother with such a weak aggro deck, compared to that turn-5-OTK Priest that was running rampant (they’ve slowed it down a little bit, so some things might change), unless you’re on a budget, couldn’t stand disgusting decks or had other personal preferences.

There were 2 versions of OTK Shaman: Normal and Ragnaros one.

Normal is unplayable now, it’s official.

Before the nerf, I hit 800 on NA with it. Then I patched and went to try it on Asia and it brought me from 3k to 6-7k. I managed to steal 1 win somehow, God knows how.

Jive, insect one, however, is stronger, and looks like it might be viable, if you ask some of the streamers. I’ve gone 2/1 with it, it doesn’t feel great, but that’s cuz I have only played 50 games of that deck (I need couple of hundred to really warm up to something).

Not sure, but I think Shaman might be dead, considering that I’ve gone 2/1 in dumpster legend. That is unacceptable. I should be winning with loaner decks in 6k Asia.

Its funny because they disguised the hagatha cost change as a ‘buff’ when in reality its a nerf. It can now no longer be tutored by the moustache guy. They should have changed shudderblock to 5 mana from 6 if they really wanted to buff something. The whole benefit of hagatha is getting him on curve to tutor the spells in time before you draw them. That is now much harder. Not to mention theres really no 5 cost spells that would be put in a hagatha deck that you would curve out from 4 into 5.

That change right there made me think they’re pretty clueless on what they’re doing.