New Warrior Legendary Minion/Weapon: Remornia

In some cases is waaaaay worse, like opponent have only a 8/8 in the board and sometimes will be a lot better, for example, if the opponent have x2 2/4 minions and x1 4/4, you play the minion attack and kill one of 2/4, equip the weapon 4/8 attack and kill the 4/4, lose only one durability and summon a 4/7 minion, attack and kill the second 2/4 and still have a 4/5 weapon in the end of the turn, it is a lot easier remove a 6/5 minion than a 4/5 weapon.

Doesn’t Remorina start out in your hand as a minion? Therefore, weapon-in-hand buffs wouldn’t affect it.

Effectively, the Weapon version of Remornia is never in your hand.

Indeed, Crabatoa provides tempo swings + face damage + a sizeable body in a class that cares a lot about tempo. Warrior is usually playing from behind so on turn 7 you’d expect something a little more impactful, but the unique nature of this card will probably make it playable somewhere. As someone pointed out, it at least draws you 4 cards with Forged in Flames.

Clearly not enough to compensate for Warrior nerfs.

I’m so proud of blizzard, they finally learned how to make OP cards, at least for arena

Exactly, that’s why you’re buffing the minion in your hand.

If this minion is a 6/12 in your hand, you play it and swap its health then attack face for 12

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Even at its base value this card can easily trade 2 for 1, if not 3 for 1, on the turn it’s played. Not sure buffs really matter too much as the card looks quite playable as is. The fact that it can also add some chip damage to face gives it added flexibility. Dare I say it…auto-include?

There’s a potentially better version in Wild.

Apparently, Remornia keeps all buffs — including Keywords — between transformations:

So, use Reflecto-Engineer to swap Remornia’s attack and health while in hand, then at 10 mana you can play Remornia > Charge for 30 damage to face without needing any handbuffs.

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Oops… I guess I matrixed the Obsidiansmith from your post and Lady Ashvane from the post below you, thinking you’d posted all weapon buffers.

But yeah, minion-in-hand buffers would make this quite powerful.

Yup… not sure why people are dismissing this thing so easily because they are comparing it to Crabatoa. Comparing this to Crabatoa is a bad comparison.

You’re not using this to clear board you’re using it to go face and otk.

People will see soon enough.

This should work with Rokara as well.

If Remornia’s and Rokara’s “After…” effects activate in a first-in-first-out order, then as long as you play Rokara first, she should buff Remornia after each attack as a minion before it transforms into a weapon.

That my bad, upon first glance i thought it compared to crabatoa, but after watching video it is completely different

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I mean, its cool and its affect is cool… But its a 7 mana card that relies on your opponent having well statted minions on the board. In wild it will be an insane card, but in standard, it will probably be too slow for any combos and just be run as a solid control card

The sword speaks to me… I love it.

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It’s unplayable in wild, warrior is in a pretty bad spot right now and it doesn’t really tie in with any synergies. Also given that we can see both legendaries for warrior, Decimator Olgra is basically a 6 mana board wipe that maybe leaves a nearly dead minion on the board, again nothing special. Sanguine depths could be a vital piece of what might be a new token/zoo type deck, but I don’t expect that to be very good. 1 mana for 3 attack damage points and enabling some combo potential is where you should be looking.

I completely forgot they buffed Charge to give Charge instead of Rush. That’s a major game changer alright.

Setting an OTK up with this and charge isnt too hard in Wild

I disagree, you’re overestimating warriors ability to buff this up and possibly forgetting that you’re competing with other otk’s that already happen on turn 8 and are very consistent. You’re forgetting that aggro decks are often winning on turn 4 and if not turn 5 or 6 the latest and maybe you’re forgetting that druid can get like 60 armour by the time you will play this or that mage can ice block it, or that paladin will put out taunts and if it ever was good people would freeze your hero the turn they thought you were going to do it or else they might counter a minion with the legendary or they might dirty rat and kill it same turn or eat it from in your hand.

I really have to give this card like a 2 star rating for wild, maybe 1 star because it exists in warrior.

Also just think of how good a card like door of shadows is for pillager rogue, or all that dude support or the fact that mage gets a really strong secret and will probably see secret support as their second package.

OTK in Wild Reflecto sometime with Remornia in hand to get a 10/4 Remornia then its just Remornia + Charge. Minion goes 12 face turns into weapon for 12 face back into minion 12 face. Alternatively you can go Remornia, Inner Rage x2 and Charge for a 10/8 Remornia with Charge for the 3X 10 face. Warrior could pull this off consistently by turn 10. Maybe even earlier if discounts to key card can get in there. Warrior has the tools to buff this up.

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