New warlock rare: Expired Merchant

No kidding. This is viable in non-discard as well.

A couple of these and a Soul Warden could give you a total of 4 extra copies of expensive stuff.


Potentially 6. 1 extra from first discard, 1 extra from second discard, then 2x soulwardens for 2 copies each. 6 extra 8 total!

So many cool options with this! Copying with prince or faceless would grant even more copies. Most of the stuff i’m thinking of isn’t particularly VIABLE, but sure sounds fun XD

Imagine having 5 Deathwings in hand! So much value!



Soul Warded > Banker, Deathwing next turn.

Then draw Soul Warden and get stuff back!!


Play Deathwing, Dragon lord
DR: Summon all Deathwingsssssss you have on hand

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[quote=“Theman-1136, post:6, topic:10316”]
Getting a double Bloodreaver Gul’dan is gonna be so Bloody Delicious .

I have renolock in wild. This is the first thing i come up in mind when i see it.

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Maybe I will find a place for it in my Reno Mecha’Thun Warlock. Double the Twisting Nether or at least duplicate Mecha’Thun for the dirty rat danger.

4/5 for the wild because of silence. But this + Mortal Coil or a poor Defile activator seems good.

Well… it is a great card when hitting the right target in hand. It is a good card when hitting a mediocre target in hand, and an exceptional card when also working alongside discard synergy cards.

It even has 1 hp, so you can trigger the deathrattle with a mortal coil, or in wild set up a defile that will pulse twice at minimum.

This is easily one of the stronger cards revealed thus far.

And thank every god that DK Gul’Dan isn’t in standard any longer.

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If you’re playing discolock(and deathwing is AMAZING in discolock), you’ll notice that while cards such as DK’Dan and Deathwing are AMAZING, it’s a coin flip as to whether you’ll keep them long enough to play them. Even soulwardens aren’t a guarantee; wild discolock discards a LOT of cards. Putting an extra Deathwing in your hand gives you room to breathe! And being a 2drop, it’s bringing you to quest completion.

…if you’re not playing a deck that, you know, randomly discards your hand, you wouldn’t get the value, duh. But forgive me if I focus on discard decks with a discard card, neh? Although this does have SO much potential for all kinds of decks!

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I see this having potential synergy with recovering from freezing trap as well. That can be super clutch imo.

Or just as a backup in case you hit a high cost essential card with soularium.

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A 2 mana 2/1 is pretty bleh, but it’s more tempo than tapping. You don’t net any card advantage though since it cost you two cards (merchant plus discard) to get two cards. But duplicating things can be valuable.

You’re super sad if this gets Earth Shocked though.

Get ready for every wild warlock deck to play double guldans now.

EDIT: triple guldans

EDIT 2: 5 guldans. Just play this and baron for double deathrattles and mortal coil it. But this is overkill. 3 will be enough.

Infinite Soulfire Warlock? Use expired merchant to discard Soulwardens. Use diretroll to discard 2 soul fires. Play Soulwarden for another Soulwarden plus 2 soul fires. As long as you have 2 soulwardens in hand, you can pretty safely start throwing soul fires at their face.

Unless your Soulfires discard those Soul Wardens…

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Infinite Dinomancers seems like a much simpler goal than infinite Soulfires. And requires far fewer cards to complete the combo.


This could get silly if you can echo cast it with the legendary.

In conjunction with Rivendare, you could easily fill the board with dinomancers!

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Or Umbra works great with infinite Dinomancers too!


This is a conditional Demonic Tutor (in hand, highest cost) that creates an extra copy of the card.

This card will be a problem. Donais should know better.