New warlock rare: Expired Merchant

2 mana 2/1

Battlecry: Discard your highest cost card

Deathrattle: Add 2 copies of it to your hand

Honestly not that bad, I’ll probaly run a copy or 2 of it in my wild discolock. Might also find a place in some kind of combo deck.


Easily a fine card …

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So unless it gets silenced, it’s very playable as a value generator. It only needs a purpose, a top-end card that you actively want more of (because more Twisting Nethers is kinda meh).

BTW Mountain Giant synergy is awesome, though it probably won’t discard the Giant if it’s not the actually most expensive thing to cast.


If it’s the 6 mana RR Epic, you get infinite value. If it’s the Legendary, that’s a lot of Wings.

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Nice card. As I told Reaver, I am not a fan of random discards. Controlled versions are much better. This one is a cool version of value.

If you don’t want to risk silence, you can mortal coil it. Getting a double Bloodreaver Gul’dan is gonna be so Bloody Delicious.



I was waiting on a Discard for BIG things; making small discard engines with Soulwardens could work again (well, in wild at least).

Plus this duplicates things on her own.

This is why Doomguard was HOFed.

I love this card.

Awesome effects, cool art.

Insta gold craft.

As a value card its fine and if it get enough support it might fit a good control type of deck or combo if they get something like that.

But its not a card that fixes Warlocks problems in the longer games, Warlock doesnt lose because they fail with generating value they fail because they just can’t keep up on board. Adding more value wont change that fact.

So overall I think this is a fine card but unless Warlock gets some really strong mid>late game cards I don’t see it finding a spot in the next meta.

I literally squealed in joy!

As a hardcore wild questlock player, I’m thrilled with this. Early game if you’re not discarding jeklik, clutchmother or with imp on board, you’re decimating your handsize to conplete quest early; as I play Renounce, that’s more of a tempo loss for me than for others. This is fantastic!

Jeklik, fist and golem are all excellent targets, but the deathrattle means there aren’t ANY bad targets!

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It’s also a great way to keep DK’Dan or Deathwing safe to late game!

Damn it, man, I was all set to ditch all blizzard games temporarily in favor of WoW classic. But just as Jeklik pulled me back, this card DEMANDS my love!

Edit Sheeit! I could discard DK’Dan, then renounce, and keep DK’Dan in a renounced deck! Or a soulwarden to recover discarded cards! Or nether portal and play TWO nether portals!

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I really like this card! Looks so cool! If only the old Discard Quest Warlock was a thing in standard…

The only real downside and risk that I can think of is that your opponent will see which card was discarded, right? At first you might think that no one would bother to Silence a low 2-drop (Unless it’s Doomsayer). But, if something very good, like Mountain Giant, was discarded your opponent would obviously want to Silence, Sap, Hex, or do something else similar to get rid of the Expired Merchant’s Deathrattle and thus the Mountain Giant and its extra copy. Sure, it’s hard to do on turn 2 for some classes but at least Priest and Rogue can do it.

But of course Warlocks got cards like Mortal Coil, Hellfire, Grim Rally and EVIL Genius to kill their own Expired Merchant on later turns.

Play this - Cataclysm - nice one. Definitely one of few cards I am going to craft for quest lock

LOL cruel dinomancer infinite!

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The problem with that though is if your giant got discounted lower. You may end up discarding a wrong card.

Yes, I know. So it’s the discounted cost that counts and not the default cost? That’s a little bummer. But it can still be done and I’m sure there are many big minions Warlocks would want to discard. Plot Twist Warlock, while admittedly not that viable right now, runs a lot of high cost minions.

What’s this?

A legitimately COOL discard card???


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I will run this in my RenoLock.

The Greeeeed is real.

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