New Velen card doesn't gain adaptive Amalgam deathrattle

After you play an adaptive amalgam and then play Velen, Velen should gain the deathrattle to shuffle “this” card into your deck. But instead he shuffles an amalgam.

this is a correct interaction

velen doesnt gain the cards deathrattle


The deathrattles and battlecries are triggered.

Velen himself does not gain anything.

Why do you say he should do that?

I don’t think the important part is whether he gains the deathrattle or not
The report is that it doesn’t shuffle Velen but an extra amalgam
I don’t know how Velen interacts with battlecries like saronite chain gang but I wouldn’t be surprised that he summons other velens and not saronite chain gangs (like shudderwock), which would be inconsistent with the amalgam

It’s clear that Velen doesn’t gain the deathrattle in question here, but it doesn’t seem to be consistent with how the triggers work. Like Bolner and Shudderwock, it repeats battlecries I’ve tested (such as Saronite Chain Gang) as though the battlecry was on Velen itself, but doesn’t work the same way on Adaptive Amalgam.

Aside from the Xyrella hero card, I can’t think of anything that triggers previous deathrattles that would potentially affect the minion triggering it.

Repeating a battlecry will use the minion repeating the battlecry, while “Triggering” a deathrattle will use the original minion, or its base version if it’s no longer on the board

If minion A triggers the effect of minion B, it’s minion B that applies its effect, not minion A
If minion A repeat the effect of minion B, it’s minion A that applies the effect of minion B
That’s why Bolner and Brann behave differently

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