New to the game

I am new to the game and just looking at the forums make me excited. I plan on streaming and posting youtube video on my journey. I usually just play games that are not “popular.” I only play for free since I don’t have much money. It seems interesting as long as you play enough you can climb to the top for free? Thanks, I like the “journey”. This game reminds me of magic the gathering when i played as a an adult kid. :joy: People used to make fun of me back then for playing it.

Question are you able to make it to the top playing for free?

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Several streamers (full-time Hearthstone players, so people who really know the game and understand the meta and the strategy) have challenged themselves to start a new account and climb to Legend ranks, without investing money, and usually within a relatively short amount of time (typically one month). Most succeeded, or overran the time limit but succeeded later.
Admittedly, I have not heard of any such attempts recently.

But if you remove the time limit, than anyone who is (or gets) good enough at the game, and who is willing to invest a lot of time can definitely climb to the highest ranks.
If you play one or two hours per day, expect it to take at least several months, perhaps more than a year. If you can play full time (e.g. because you are a professional streamer), then you can get there much faster.

Good luck!


Thanks have one week off, just started streaming but we see what happens maybe people will recoginize me when i get to the higher ranks, i plan on playing demon hunter any comments?

Like your confidence, maintaining it will be the biggest challenge, as well as your scruples. Now that’s out of the way, BOW TO YOUR QUEEN! :wink:

Zeddy did it in maybe 2 weeks about 4 months ago.

Admittedly, there were better new player decks back then so it’s more difficult nowadays since you have to amass a bigger collection to get a deck of the same strength.

I am new to the game, really excited about it at this stage. I am sure further even better

Welcome to Hearthstone! :smiley: Try being an active forum user. Despite the negativity some users here may have against the forum or game in which they use and play, this is a very informative place. There are many knowledgable and friendly players you will find. This is where I’ve learned most of what I know!

Because aggro decks are CONSISTENT, they are great for climbing ladders with. Whereas decks with higher cost cards have a higher chance of getting really bad starting hands, this chance is reduced for aggro decks

Aggro decks also can do better on a budget, because control decks usually rely on high cost legendary minions to close out their games for them

So yes you could make a budget aggro deck that could take you all the way to legend, but my guess is you will get sick of playing the same deck every time

That is the big downside with budget hearthstone and hearthstone in general. HS is “pay to have fun”. Most people NEED a little variety in their deck play to have fun, playing the same thing gets stale. Hearthstone does not allow F2P players much variety at all, not if they want to have multiple competitive decks

And forget about finding a budget control deck that is legend viable. Probably not gonna happen

Old Guardian semi-regularly puts out a budget build for Priest:

His builds are nearly always Legend-viable, and refined. You can do with a little less if you’re looking to give deck archetypes a try to see what you like.

But, yes, learning the ins and outs of an aggressive deck will be easier on the learning curve that newer players face.