New Tier Skin (Mythic) Ragnaros, The Firelord!

Things to Consider:

  1. It’s a new tier, beyond Legendary skins, called Mythic.
  2. It’s a dual-class skin, usable in both Shaman and Warrior.
  3. Based on the GIFs provided, it appears to come with its own board.
  4. It will cost $60 and comes with 3 Shaman and 3 Warrior packs.

Personal Opinion: The skin feels a bit goofy to me. I liked seeing Ragnaros rise across the board and deliver a satisfying blow with his hammer; the killing animation is particularly exciting as well. However, I’m not a fan of the idle animation, where only his head hovers over the board. It gives him a cartoonish villain-like appearance, which feels off.

I had the same issue with the C’Thun skin, though I can admit that C’Thun’s design has more appeal, being just an eye and all. But I don’t get why Ragnaros’ idle animation is just his hovering head. It doesn’t come across as imposing at all.

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It’s not, they’ve used the “Blackrock mountain” expansion board for all the GIFs

In my opinion it’s really scummy that they use their resources to make a new skin that costs ~$60, but they don’t make a new board for the expansion, which was a tradition in previous years. Because it pretty much states that they want to “farm” whales instead of appeasing to regular players.


If they’re doing dual class skins why not Just let anyone play as anyone?


Money. Shell out 60 bucks for this eye vomit and be happy.


I’m OK with this design even if I find the $60 absurd for my own taste. That’s because it was zero effect on gameplay (mechanically at least).

I’m more annoyed by the “buy this to not see only 2X BG heros” and “buy that to have all netdecks”.

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I am not a fan of these kind of skins. They just feel so out place.

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This is why there was no new board in the set.

Why make free what you can charge money for?!


The skin really looks impressive.

Since this is a mythic skin this leave the legendary skin still open for the Shaman. I’m really hoping for a Morgl skin.

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I am not against it but I don’t really like how visually tiring this could be to play against and I am not a fan of a portrait that could be 2 different classes. Other than that sure, milk the whales all you want if that makes the game financially healthier without p2w.

That said, make bundles more flexible and bring back the core rogue signature bundles without Tess please. I really want shadowstep and prep but I won’t spend 50$ on them.


Neat looking imo. But not $60 neat. That’s 1 or more whole vidja games. But whoever buys it i do hope they enjoy it.


You mean other than the fact that it’s dual class and thus much harder to guess what deck the important opponent is playing?


Well… the hero power kinda gives it away whether you are facing a Shaman or a Warrior… there isnt really any mystery to be had that way… but i still love anything Ragnaros. lol. first thing I ever 3d printed was him. about an inch high model, then I scaled it up to a 10 inch high version lol. still painting it currently. he’s also my favorite BG bartender with his tikibar lines. lol. While I;ll never be able to justify such a cost to buy it, I find it awesome they offer it.

Its a skin and half a board

See the button of the Hero power.

im guessing you’ve never played on a phone

if you can’t see it right before mulligan cards fly in its’ impossible to see.

and yes, mulligan is when knowing the opponents’ class is the most important hand. Shaman requires entirely different cards to beat than Control Warrior.

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I have. Can’t you see the hero power? Can you hover/click on it?

it does?

rags like, the warcraft cartoon villan no?

I just looked at the video, I like it, rag looks cool.

If only there was a way to get it for free…

Seems a bit over the top to me . Certainly not worth the price of an entire stand alone game .

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Really starting to lose its impact that they keep adding new levels of skins. Should have stopped at diamond no need to give a new word to it just so you can upscale the price.

Rag or a brand-new AAA game hmm tough sell lol.
This is why I only play hearthstone about twice a month.
It just reeks of desperation/greed

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