Yoooooooooo. These are cool. Way better than the first Warrior reveal, for sure.
Remixed Totemcarver:
Isn’t Jukebox totem the new Paladin/Shaman totem they revealed yesterday? All of these seems like great value. Will never be as disappointing as Tuskarr Totemic.
Jam Session:
For Shaman, Overload support? Gets discounted by Inzah, and is a control effect. Probably not for Totem Shaman since it hurts your own board.
Definitely more of an Enrage Warrior card. The fact that you can get two AoE pings for a single spell cast (one from the spell, one from Wild Pyro/Sunfury) is great value. And you buff a minion on board without needing it to be damaged first. But, what do you cut from Enrage for this? That list is already really tight. Certainly not Embers of Strength, and probably not Light of the Phoenix or Roaring Appluse since you’re desperate for draw.
This is 100% a great card for Enrage Warrior but you’ll have to lose something important to include it.
Backstage Bouncer:
For Shaman, a good body for Totem Shaman, just play it on a totem! Or any Shaman, really, you’ll always have token generation.
For Warrior, this fits into either Menagerie or BRnR. Buff it up with Chorus Riff, Party Animal, BRnR, Last Stand, and/or Lor’themar for a good tempo turn. Even if you can’t transform a friendly minion, it could still be a fat minion for its cost. BRnR Warrior certainly doesn’t have a wealth of small things on the board, though…so you’ll probably either transform a Bridge Riff minion or nothing at all. However, you could also use it to “heal” a fat taunt that was already on the board. It might be harder to meet the “condition” for this than for Fleshshaper!
The first card I would cut for this (in BRnR) would be FtD. The 30-card version of BRnR can’t afford to run this, unless it wants to cut FtD too. But then it’ll be by far the worst hit from your Last Stand since that deck has even less board presence than what I run…
Menagerie Warrior looks like the biggest winner for this miniset, between the three Warrior archetypes.