New Shaman Card: Piranha Poacher

Rare · Minion · Voyage to the Sunken City · At the end of your turn, add a 1/1 Piranha Swarmer to your hand.

Common · Minion · Voyage to the Sunken City · Rush After you summon a Piranha Swarmer, gain +1 Attack.

So if you collect some of the swarmers they get bigger and bigger, very interesting card.
Also the Piranahs come in 5 different colours.

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The Swarmer itself is also a collectible card, so there are a bunch of classes that could make good use of them. Beast Druid is an existing deck that could probably do some pretty strong things by combining Swarmers with Oracle.

Also, there apparently will be other cards that also generate Swarmers beyond just the Shaman one here:


mecha shark has to be activated on the turn its played.
no way anyone lets it live.
Gifts of Ashara: Draw two (only if you already played a naga) for two mana. seems crappy to me compared to other classes.

you are out of your mind if you think that a 2 mana draw 2 with an easy activator (for its deck) is bad.
swindle is still one of the best rogue cards and that one had a combo activator

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I didn’t say bad. I said bad by comparison. but We’ll see. Im usually wrong, so don’t invest too much in what i say.

Mage will never pay 2 mana for the card. They will either cheat it out or discount it, which has been the main (unhealthy) theme of the class for about 3 years now.

how are they gonna cheat it out? with the honorable kill card?

Bad in comparison to what? They took out all the cheap card draw.

Cards like Chaos Strike come to mind. Deal two damage and draw vs. draw two and do nothing, while also having to be activated?

draw 1 vs draw 2 is night and day apart.

one is cycle the other is draw.

or to use technical terms, one doesnt generate card advantage (you gain 0 cards) the other does (you gain 1 card)

the reason why 1 to 2 is such a big difference is that because 1 card means that it just replaces itself, so, what you actually gain is not draw but a “free effect (card wise) that replaces itself”.

Unless a deck is specifically built upon drawing somethng very specific (otk) or a deck is built upon decking out (dh) then if there’s no value on the effect of the cycle card, disregarding the cycle, you dont put it in.

As a prime example, there’s a reason only otk dh and q dh used the 1/1 that cycles even if it is “1 mana draw 1”.

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You need to hold a naga in hand, not have on one the board. Pretty big difference and yeah if nags deck takes off for mages this will be an auto include

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I don’t see how these pirahna can be useful.
There are better ways to clear the opponent’s board anyways.

Maybe token druid can use them, but to go face instead of trading? But even in that case, they are very weak and will probably die quickly.

If paladin gets a pirahna generator, maybe the quest can become playable; no clue why shaman would like to play them

well, i´ve been genuinely impressed by ram commander, the value of more or less guaranteeing a curve should never be underestimated - and if you have a bunch of those piranhas together they can deal with very big threats for little cost.

I hope Token-DH get´s some of those aswell.

i dont know what other cards we will see, but this seems like more “generate free stuff”, which im sick of.
This entire game has turned into “win from free effects” and this card isnt anywhere near the worst, but it seems the same.