New Rogue legendary: Daggers (ok, Draka)

Legendary · Minion · Murder at Castle Nathria · Battlecry: Equip a /3 Dagger. (+1 Attack for each other card you played this turn!)

as if there was a deck left playing without Viper…still, the good old miracle/tempo Rogue will be back.

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Seems a bit overcosted to me, should have costed 3. You paying four mana for vanilla 3 drop body, and battlecry that requires playing other cards on top of it to be any good.

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such things can usually get out of hand fast for Rogue, 4 should be fine - especially given that if your opponent does not have weapon removal at hand this is a bigger dmg mutliplier per card than edwin had been + some dmg can be savely dealt the turn it drops with the weapon, so imagine edwin with charge.


This looks fun. Prep, a poison, prep, another poison or two, etc. This could be a huge burst!

Your order is backwards.

You’d want those poisons AFTER you play this.

And you’d want the “prep spell prep spell” BEFORE you play this one.

Atm there’s still a need for more great 1 cost combo/bc cards to enable this and the other miracle like cards shown.

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Except all of your poisons would be wasted as this is a new dagger that comes after poison…

Still great card that will be an auto include in most rogues deck! Great target for shadowstep aswell, even though it will require some card draw

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finally coin shark deathrattle rogue might shine! (not even too far of, it can get you 4+coins turn 4 which would be 15weapondmg if there´s no viper in hand, just would need some druid level tutoring i guess).


The potential highroll of getting 3 specific cards by t3 while also not drawing another one always existed in dr rogue.
The reason the deck is trash is the rest 90% of the time the highroll doesn’t happen.

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still, assuming coins will be very beneficial for a miracle rogue you can just run the small package of sketchy+sharks to get 2 coins turn 3 relatively often if you mulligan for it to get you started. Might probably not be the build it ends up with, but it might be worth a shot.

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Oh yeah, as a small package for sure. But I don’t think that stuff like graveyard (as an example) would make sense there.

So, running sketchy+shark as an example, but no more than that.

Ofc, the rest of the set might provide enough card quality to justify a more robust dr package, but the current card pool revealed so far, doesn’t (imo always).

Yeah I definitely read that wrong. It’s actually equipping a weapon not giving your hero attack. So you’d have to do some other combo stuff, get the big weapon, then maybe play some poisons to have a bigger swing. Still, I am interested so see what comes of this

Mailbox Dancer about to see alot more love

You won’t play a bad card just to buff this weapon.

They said the same about big spell mage.

Here we are.

Except that it has crazy synergy with the deck and you’re forced to play weak minions since you can only play so many big spells

Giving coin to your opponent can be a massive upside as mage

There is more to the deck than buffing the weapon. The location is going to be the real reason you run Mailbox Dancer

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Sure, assuming this is strong enough.

We shall wait and see.

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Don’t need a massive and complicated combination of cards, just coin, preparation + 2 cost spell (rogue have many good in this cost right now) and this and you have a 3/4 and a 4/3 weapon, pretty massive tempo in turn 3.

You can’t build a deck around the card because is not good enough for that but can put the card in any deck running preparation.



It’s pretty good tempo that isn’t a complete dead draw in the late game because it can be a potential finisher.

It’s not op, but it’s solid and a great fit with how rogue decks like to play out.

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It is a shame the card don’t is 3 manas 2/3 instead because if was the case you can use the other legendary into the mix, the one reducing cost of next two cards by 3.

Outside of the coined turn 3 the cards lose a lot of the impact on tempo.

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