Well this card sucks lol. Unless they give more ways for rogue to cheat this out this is straight up trash.
This one is a few years too late imo. It would shine in the past.
I bet it gets nerfed because starting with 5 mana meta…
If you are talking about ysera, its maximum mana you dont start with it fam. You just dont lock on 10 you keep ramping till 15.
Hah rogue loses again my decks are all terrible and so are the cards I put in them. Enjoy your do nothing 9 mana 7/7. It’ll probably even mill your own more useful card.
Probably too expensive for what it does, unless you can find a way to reduce the cost so you can immediately play SOMETHING. Or use a shadowstep on it I suppose. Really seems like a very lackluster legendary.
Why do they keep trying to turn Rogue into a bad priest from the past?
This is just dog
And it’s not like the class has been the terror of standard for a while or brain dead easy like Shaman or DK.
Because they run out of ideas of translating rogue to hs as it seems.
This is the “everybody’s a druid” expansion, and today’s reveal also got a neutral 2/2 DR give both players 1 empty mana crystal. And I suppose if rogues want to corrupt shaladrassil the neutral legendary spell, this could be it.
Other than new cards rogues will likely use their mini (and from there, run sonya, and hope whatever you burgle can be used with sonya)
I would also look towards whatever dark gift synergy rogue has. Dark gift seems to lean towards tempo and mana cheating (vs imbue, who’s about value with that hero power), so maybe when rogues can get their dark gift stuff they either can secure tempo while they work towards their late game or cheat out that late game earlier.
looks like a really fun card to play
im going to craft it if i dont pull it thats already decided
This card would have been great 10 years ago and in Warrior.
yep i noticed
people complained about only druid having ramp cards
That’s a meme card. No way that sees play.
Ill be playing it everyday
I’ll pass. Rafaam screwed me hard and he was giving legendaries.
Enjoy milling yourself and wasting dust
Is this legendary a good card? NO. In no way does Rogue have the survivability to spend 9 mana on this.
Is it a card I am going to play a lot for that 1 in 50 games where it happens? Heck YES!
I’m having a surprising amount of fun playing my homebrew Reno/cutlass deck right now as I’ve decided getting worried about hitting legend or indeed winning games is secondary to doing fun stuff!
Full disclosure…I am in no way a good hearthstone player. I’m lucky if I hit diamond one month in three. But I do know what I like when I see it and that is silly rogue thief shennanigans (heck, I’ve even got avatar of hearthstone in my etc for funsies).
Which brings me to the point of my ramble. Not every card needs to be ultra efficient or an auto include in a deck. This is very very obviously a massive meme card (and I’m all here for that in the same way that I think agency espionage is the best card rogue has been given since…well…since academic espionage).
Ah yes another “overpriced thief Rogue expansion”
Q3 rogue will be miracle pieces nerfed on day 5 of the expansion
Can’t fool me. That’s clearly a Priest card.
That being said, it looks like it would be fun to get from this:
9 mana lol, it would maybe be playable at 6 mana (which would be a appropriate cost).