So, weapons with a lot of durability seems to be a direction for Rogue now.
Could work well with the new Paralytic Poison, as well as the pre-existing Deadly and Nitroboost Poisons.
Maybe this also makes more sense of the Yoink spell, since using and buffing a weapon like this essentially turns off your hero power for as long as this is equipped.
I like it, but it sees zero play with self-sharpening sword and the new assassin’s blade available.
They’re really bringing a lot of spirit to the whole weapon theme of Rogue, and that’s really cool.
Self-sharpening Sword does seem pretty tough for this to compete against, but the new Assassin’s Blade is a little more of a toss-up, since this comes down a turn earlier.
Also, this may have more possibilities in Wild where there are more Poisons available to trigger the durability increase. Or we might even see something along the lines of Xaril in this expansion, which would help in the same way.
With paralytic poison this leans heavily as a board control weapon. While rogues probably can’t/won’t go full control deck, if the meta ever shifts that they need some defense, it’s there.
The new 1 mana poison is bad.
Nitroboost will presumably be bad after its nerf unless they tweak the numbers accordingly.
For this card to be better than sword or assassin’s blade you need to include bad cards in your deck, which means this isn’t very good.
so where is slow down game less dmg spell then more and more weapon what alone can kill your opponent ?
You mean actually trying to balance the card instead of killing the card? nah rogue is not demon hunter.
Also a little confused what cualifies as a poison? any enchantment to a weapon? most “poison” cards are getting the nature tag as far as i’d seen.
presumably any card that has poison in its name.
Deadly poison, Nitroboost poison, Paralytic poison.
Cool idea for a card and really in theme for rogue but I don’t think this competes with self sharpening sword. I kinda feel bad for the people designing the rogue cards for this set because for their work to see play they need to design cards that either fit into the current, very lean, rogue package or make something even more broken than what’s already there. This is neither so sadly an otherwise interesting card will likely see no play at least until year of the phoenix rotates next year
I actually thought the same thing for a second, but Xaril’s cards are “toxins” not “poisons”
yup my bad I just re checked that one so not really poisons.
it could help if we get support for something other than weapon rogue…
so far most of the rogue cards revealed are weapon based (swapping your base hero power, a weapon, and a weapon buff)
Weapon rogue, as you said, is a very lean deck and already “solved”, so in order to put the new cards in they would either need to powercreep the old ones (bad) or make less powerful cards that wont fit in the deck (also bad).
meanwhile all other archetypes of rogue are getting butchered by the rotation, so they could have easily went that way while designing since there’s a ton of open design space there.
as for this card… even apart from self sharpening sword, even assasins blade is imo better. You need to play two cards (and pay the same mana) to get a 3/4 as oppossed to a 2/5 (with paralytic) or a 4/3 with deadly.
With paralytic at least it has the upside of not getting damaged when you clear the board BUT it requires 2 card combo to even reach the same stats AND sunking multiple cards into a single weapon always carries the risk of losing 3+ cards worth of value to a single ooze, which is game losing.
With deadly it’s only downsides (requiring combo, more losses if broken, etc)
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No matter how powerful weapon rogue becomes, it will never be top tier simply because of all the tech against weapons that exists.
If there isn’t an anti-tech card that allows your weapon to not be broken/stolen then this archetype will never really take off.
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Don’t look now but it’s already top tier and will likely stay that way through rotation since it’s only losing eviscerate which they already have some possible options to replace
WEapons, weapons, and more weapons… blaaaaa
Rogue is now a one trick pony…
It’s either face or hit the road. Has weapon Rogue ever excited the fan base?
It seems as though every class is back to basics. This is revenue defining 
The next time you play Rogue, turn into a 
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Takes a while and a lot of cards to set up and keep it going and then you can clear 1 minion every turn with imune as control or you can try to buff it to really high attack and go face,maybe a combination of both.
It does seem ok-ish but you do need a lot of poison cards
Nitro boost isn’t a poison
Nitroboost Poison is definitely a poison
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Nitroboost has been confirmed to work with Swinetusk Shank (this comes from a question about the Italian translation of Nitroboost Poison, which currently uses a different word for “poison” than the one used for the weapon):
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