New rogue epic: Azsharan Vessel

5 mana spell
Summon two 3/3 pirates with stealth. Put a ‘Sunken Vessel’ at the bottom of your deck.

Sunken vessel:
Cast when drawn
Summon two 3/3 pirates with stealth.

Seems slow for rogue.

5 mana that just puts 2 3/3s on board with no immediate impact seems sketchy.
The sunken vessel has a bit of synergy with Smite though.

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it’s a lot of stats for only 5 mana, or 3 with prep as usual.

I like it, but it has no interesting effect with what we saw till now: what are they even trying to do with rogue?

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i wouldnt say that 2 3/3s are a “lot of stats” for 5 mana.

if it was 3 of them, or if they were 3/4s, yes.

Now, if you count in the Sunken vessel stats, you would have to count in the dredge cost as well, which at the moment, the cheapest we have is another 2 mana and the draw (which with a tradable would be 1 more).
So we are talking 4 3/3s for 8 mana. Again not impressive.

3 health breakpoint is also kinda weak to aoes as well, especially with the neutral one just revealed being a card.

On a more serious note, this could be a 9 mana deal 14 with Smite, the 2/3 dredge pirate and a tradable in hand the next turn, but not sure how good that will be.

As for what they are trying with rogue…
Obviously they are finishing up the deathrattle deck they started 2 expansions ago!


I mean… the dredge is a 2/3, you don’t count it as part of the cost of the dredge card. But it does slow the card down a bit.

I have to imagine if Hooktusk is in the set there’s some Pirate synergy shenanigans with this, but it’s okay on it’s own. Not jumping out at me as being that exciting and all the stealth synergy is rotating.

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auto include for us rogues this one 5 out 5

the sunken vessel sets up a really good tempo turn if you can dredge it up fast and it has double synergy with pirate and stealth - midrange Rogue incoming?

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i would love midrange rogue

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Garbage. They still haven’t nerfed Wildpaw Cavern, yet they grace Rogue with this slow, expensive and non-synergistic piece of trash. The audacity!

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Just play double agent in theif Rogue if you want 2 3/3 minions. Another overcosted Rogue spell because preparation exists xD

Might be okay if it was 4 mana, even then it’s kinda questionable

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I mean it’s probably synergistic.

I agree with hegemonkey, what ya get for the cost in today’s meta is way to slow, so what if they are stealthed. This takes too much to see a benefit and is just slow for rogue decks.

Edit: 5 mana for an initial two 3/3’s is just meh meh meh. It sticks to be honest, even if ya get two 3/3’s later. Just look at ticketmaster and how much rogue players couldn’t utilize the card.

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This one looks somewhat better after seeing Hooktusk. I guess Hooktusk is working with the naga now.