New rogue cards(all of them)

Rare · Minion · Into the Emerald Dream · Whenever this enters your hand from the battlefield, summon two random 2-Cost minions.
Rare · Spell · Into the Emerald Dream · Return a friendly minion to your hand to summon a 4/4 Spider with Stealth.
Rare · Minion · Into the Emerald Dream · Whenever you play another minion you
Legendary · Minion · Into the Emerald Dream · Battlecry: Trap random (card, cards) in your opponent
Common · Minion · Into the Emerald Dream · Battlecry: Get a copy of the lowest Cost card in your opponent
Common · Spell · Into the Emerald Dream · Discover a copy of a minion in your opponent
Common · Spell · Into the Emerald Dream · Your opponent draws 2 cards. You get copies of them.
Epic · Minion · Into the Emerald Dream · Battlecry: If you
Legendary · Minion · Into the Emerald Dream · Battlecry: Fill your hand with copies of cards from your opponent
Epic · Weapon · Into the Emerald Dream · Choose One - Gain Poisonous this turn; or Gain

Nightmare fuel a shudderwock and double the battlecry as a rogue, yum

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Feels like they went too safe with Rogue this expansion. Too many overpriced cards. Overall I’m pretty disappointed with the epics and legendaries for Rogue. However, we still got 2 meta defining cards, and a new bounce.

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Which are the 2 meta defining ones? I mean looking at them on reflexion maybe the 1 mana draw engine but that’s it and wouldn’t call it meta defining

Pretty sure that the point of this set is to not have those types of cards for any class or a neutral. It’s a welcome change for once.

What does Trap a card mean?

i assume its like the death knight card that chains a card in your hand, so you cant play it
Rare · Spell · TITANS · Both players draw 2 cards. Your opponent can not play them next turn.


If that is actually what it does, I predict many complaining about Wild Lockout Rogue even though it’s a really slow buildup to 10 Renferal played. It would be something like old school Mill rogue using gangups but instead of Draw Murloc they play Renferal.

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Nightmare fuel, gonna be ran in every Rogue deck until it rotates, can be the tipping point of winning the game, plus you can run 2 copies of it. Meta defining

Twisted Webweaver, most definitely meta defining, but might not show its real strength before we get more cheap battlercry/combo minions. Expect this to be broken within 1-2 expansions.

And at least we got a bounce to replace breakdance. While more expensive and slower. However, a better tempo card for small minions such as Harbringer. A 4/4 stealth minion on turn 2/3 is not too bad.

The rest for me is very disappointing. Harbringer could be good if you topdeck or mulligan a bunch of cards, but other classes can highroll into more crazy plays, with less required setup.

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