4 mana 4/5
Deathrattle: When this dies, shuffle two snake oils into your opponents deck
Snale oil – NEUTRAL (yes, neutral. Not only does it stop highlander, it ALSO counters pure paladin)
0 mana card. Tradeable. Deal 0 damage. This seems useless…
Can someone please link the card image for me
If you remember back in saviors of Ulduum, ressurect priest was able to make about 20 or 30 bad luck bird-o’s with grave rune, psychopomp, and mass ressurection. This can be accomplished yet again in death knight via death growl, yelling yoedeler, and ravenous kraken. There are deathrattle, ressurect, and copy effects available to many classes. Priest can use creation protocol, power chord synchronize, celestial projectionalist, and ra’den the keeper.
If autonamaton priest ever becomes a deck this probably goes in it tbh. There are so many ways tou can make this happen I can’t NOT see this getting played around with. And steamcleaner rotates in April too sooooooo…
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Except, if you have spell dmg, all that oil starts to do dmg
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I’m aware. It’s not playable against sif mage or moonbeam druid. But there are literally no other decks in the meta right now besides those two with enough spell damage to really hurt you that badly. Arcane hunter might be able to do something but the oil isn’t an arcane spell so I’m not sure, their spell damage is specific to the arcane line.
There are a couple classes I could see tinker with it. Priest can use synchronize, protocol, celestrial prohectionalist, and the keeper Ra’den to play a bunch of them. This probably goes into an autonamaton copy priest deck, even if it is just a meme that isn’t very good. Death knight can leverage many deathrattle synergies, and it’s a naga so you can tutor for it. There are pros and cons to it. The oil is also tradeable, but you still have to spend 1 mana to get rid of it and nothing is stopping you from trading into another snake oil. If you spend zero mana to ditch it you skipped your draw phase so unless you do have spell damage it still disrupts. And unlike plagues, oil actually DOES disrupt pure paladin.
A 4 mana 4/5 is not amazing stats, but it’s a yetti on curve that does something. That’s also not horrible. Do remember that bad luck albatross got to be so problematic in standard that it was nerfed from a 3 mana 4/3 to a 4 mana 4/3. It was only reverted to a 3 mana 4/3 when it rotated to wild. The effect is not the same here, but it can be powerful. Be honest, if you’re a warrior, or a priest, or a warlock, or like… most of the classes that aren’t mage do you really wanna draw into an oil?
Note the … after the this is useless text.
There is a troll in the works…
Seems like something plague dk would use with yodeler or death growl. Here, have some plagues AND trash in your deck. Yes theyre tradeable. Want to trade it and draw a plague or another one?
Lore wise is funny, don’t do anything like all snake oils never did.
Too slow to disrupt pure paladin and highlander, if was 2/3 for 2 manas could be considered.
Weirdly enough, there is another card revealed today that you can give yourself snake oils with
Actually this is false. Originally snake oil was used beneficially, but then snake oil salesmen appeared who sold fake snake oil, which gave the whole thing a bad rep.
They are printing too much disruption for Highlander.
Do they want it to be dead on arrival?
Just play Plague DK when the expansion comes out and you will be favorable against 6 Classes.
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Have you seen the flavor text. “This oil is essential to your game plan”. The flavor is so perfect
Snake Oil Salesman is Deathrattle-based, relatively high cost, 5 Health, and vulnerable to silence and transformation. It isn’t making Highlander DOA. It’s a very weak tech card because even the intended target has counterplay against it.
If highlander is DOA it’ll be because Plagues.
This Snake Oil stuff would be fine if Plague DK wasn’t a deck, I am aware.
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Really weird they made another minion with deathrattle give yourself a snake oil…which tells me that the oil will probably end up being useful somewhere so this entire package seems like something you don’t want to run.
The ONLY saving grace I can see that would make this playable is if they make it so you are completely UNABLE to cast the spell if it does 0 damage…similar to how you can’t attack with a 0 damage minion…you shouldn’t be able to cast a 0 damage spell. My opinion of course. If it works that way, then this is pretty cool except against spell damage decks.
But if it does allow you to cast it with 0 damage, then it’s a massive downside because now you’re actively fueling Yogg, Miracle Rogue…so now you have a card that helps Yogg decks, Miracle Rogue AND spell damage decks. No thank you.
Maybe we will see another minion that utilizes the snake oil in another way though? That’s the only saving Grace. The addition of the new minion dealing with Snake Oil seems like this might be a smaller package of something bigger. Now THAT’S a more exciting thought.
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Nearly every rogue archetype benefits greatly from zero cost cards, lots of ways to chain the cards into some effect.
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Pretty sure Plague DK has that covered.
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