New Priest Rare - Devout Dungeoneer

Scorpid has a much better body being able to contest higher stated minions. And the difference between discover and draw is much smaller in priest than in other classes because the average spells you get in priest are VERY good.

Also, draw is bad in any control mirror.


Maybe. On the other hand, early in the game the benefit isnā€™t that much bigger, and later on Priest has access to other tools to either remove larger minions or buff Dungeoneer to become a bigger threat.

Thereā€™s plenty of bad/situational spells in Priest already (Desperate Prayer, Rally!, Initiation, Power Word: Fortitude) that wouldnā€™t necessarily help in all situations. Drawing a spell you put in your deck is always better, because the chance of whiffing is much lower (since people donā€™t generally run bad spells on purpose).

No, it isnā€™t. Draw is bad in any fatigue mirror. Not all control decks have fatigue as their end condition, and Iā€™d argue proactive control decks (which prefer draw to reach their win conditions faster) are stronger than fatigue decks. Case in point: Corrupt Priest is favored against Control Priest, Iā€™d argue in part because the former has a more proactive game plan than the latter.

I think that might have been the case several expansions ago, but stats matter now. Thereā€™s a reason Priests arenā€™t running loot horder or prize vendor right now. Both of those are similar stats for mana cost and draw you a card. Granted, this 3 mana one has a little better draw condition on it, but itā€™s still bad for the stats at 3 mana.

That early game really matters right now, especially since Hysteria went to 4 mana. At 3 mana putting a 2/3 on board is extremely risky with aggro decks and paladin decks floating around. Itā€™s a great card to play vs other slower decks for sure, but Priest generally doesnā€™t do that bad vs other slower control decks.

The card isnā€™t terrible, I just donā€™t think itā€™s strong enough with this meta. Itā€™s only really worth it if it pulls a Holy Spell, but is that worth the risk? I guess weā€™ll find out, because we know people arenā€™t going to be cutting their shadow spells.

Hard disagree. efficient Octo-bot, Imprisoned Phoenix, imprisoned felmaw, kolkar pack runner, two thirds of rush warrior decks etc. Thereā€™s a ton of stuff in the early game that demands an immediate answer that scorpid provides in a body and devout dungeoneer canā€™t.

except that priest is always looking for EFFICIENT clears. The fewer resources it has to use per board the higher itā€™s rated in a priest deck.

desperate prayer: fuel for xyrella and anti aggro tool.
Rally: often brings back sethekks for value trains and scorpids for anti aggro.
Initiation: probably the only ā€˜badā€™ spell you listed even then. priest doesnā€™t mind paying extra for removal, it minds using a ton of cards.
Power Word: Fortitude: Samuro fuel.

Also, every spell in priest (besides ironically the discover spells.) are situational, spells in priest are VERY rarely universally useful in every matchup.

calling corrupt priest a control deck is a stretch. Itā€™s much closer to a tempo deck. It doesnā€™t try to outvalue opponents but rather kill them in a few specific big pushes.

it beats control priest because control priest struggles with repeated huge pushes. Same reason clown druid beats control priest. But corrupt priest gives up more anti aggro tools to make those big pushes, so it suffers against every single low curve aggro deck.

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Perhaps the comparison with Scorpid was bad. I still think the card is being underestimated.

ItĀ“s okay for cthun-pieces, but i donĀ“t think it is worth to be played in other decks to get the discount on holy spells.

The discount is more just a bonus for being lucky. Having a 2/3 draw for 3 is not terrible. Itā€™s just tough because something like Paladin has a 3/4 draw for 3, and itā€™s not hard for them to meet the condition.

Itā€™s also a 3 cost so that doesnā€™t help with corrupt, and thereā€™s no 6 cost holy spell to then corrupt the hand.

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