In a world where it costs 3 mana and has no taunt, and too many Priest spells are shadow.
That said, it will still see play in standard. It even synergizes with the allmighty tempo Priest archetype in standard cough
In wild, Reno Priest may include it, but I still prefer loothoarder if I need more draw.
(It’s the mana cost again)
All I think of with this card is that it specifically gets a spell instead of a random card and discounts Holy if you draw it, even if it’s 1 mana more than the Loot Hoarder, but it also has +2 Health and is on a Battlecry, meaning it can’t be Silenced or ignored to keep the priest from drawing cards. It’s the same as the other Dungeoneers, where it’s +1 mana and +2 health compared to Loot Hoarder but also guaranteed draws a card and specifically a spell. It’s good, even if it doesn’t trigger the additional effect.
What’s the spell you most want to draw with this? What are you actually aiming for?
I know Trump is gonna love the free .5 mana this card essentially costs in his Review.
Well, spells to target: Renew (only 1 mana discount, but still good); Apotheosis (very good); Condemn (board clear late-game); and Rally (get back early-game minions for 2 mana). There’s probably more, but that’s just what I think.
I think the dungeoneers are underrated since 3 Mana 2/3 Draw Spell is already rlly good, their conditional effect being more of a cherry on the top.
Considering that Priest lacks card draw, this card would probably be the first one they would include for card draw and probably alongside the other spells they have for draw, giving them the option to pretty much constantly tutor the cards they want/need. The mana discount is nice, but I don’t think it’s the end of the world if it doesn’t trigger.
you dont need a particular card to hit, but hitting a buff or condemn would be the optimal ofc.
from my experience priest is often still doing hero power pass on early turns, developing an early minion to contests without losing card advantage, with the possibility of having a high tempo follow up of a discounted buff in order to get or to stabilise early board is really good for priest.
especially since a lot of his “early minions” you dont actually want to play in the early game since you want to keep them for comboing them with spells later on.
That’s a good point - Ok I get it now
It will be interesting to see how this ends up fairing vs Scorpid. What gets cut to potentially run both? Is there a world where this replaces Scorpid?
On a long enough timeline, the tutor effect should be better as the Discover gets worse over time, but the Scorpid is just so much better on board…
I don’t see that happening. Scorpid’s poison is worth way more than +1 attack. Discover is a little less reliable but it can also find you answers you’d never main deck, such as ruin. It can also find extra copies of powerful cards, such as soul mirror.
In a world without scorpid I’d be interested. In a world with scorpid? Meh.
Finally, which one do you want to raise dead in the late game? The 2/3 that dies to anything or the 1/3 that also dies but takes the enemy with it?
scorpid is more reactive, this is more proactive.
in a control deck you’d want the more reactive play, aka Scorpid, because that allows you to discover an aswer, while in a tempo deck you would want the more proactive play because that would advance you towards your wincondition.
So i expect control decks to run scorpid, and tempo decks moving to this.
Scorpid is better with rally, because it’s a useful body when ressurected, but this one sometimes will come with a 2 mana discount on the card drawn, which is big*.
*When the deck relyies on chaining a minion and spells afterwards, while the deck does have some discounts already, people really (imo always) underate how big is to have an already discounted spell to start the chain of create/discount. It’s a very similar thing of how rogues love discounting Field Contact to get the chain rolling.
whole lot of otks this will probably help with
That is a fair point actually, if combo was a thing Priest does, draw / cycle would potentially be better.
Though as far as Tempo goes, imho that’s where things get interesting, Scorpid forces a reaction a lot of the time, Dungeoneer will never force a reaction but the discount could really matter…
Oh this can pull Mankrik. So I guess if you just put in minions you can make a high roll play. Just generate spells from other minions. Not a good deck by any means, but funny to think about.
not sure you want to leave behind even a 2/3 body when facing tempo priest, i mean, the whole point of the deck is to spam strong buffs on minions, so you kinda have to clear priest minions regardless.
are you going to leave this up and risk having it drawn a “1 mana apotheosis” or something?
This is unplayable in APM priest (the ones with rally), which was a deck that may benefit from it.
It can be good in any normal priest, maybe even in Nzoth priest (I don’t know what spell tags they play, but draw + discount + board presence, is what priest needed)
hmm…I don’t see too much potential for this card in the current set, but I could see a future where, given the right spells in the next set, this card enables a more aggressive priest deck built around buffing minions. After all, buff spells are typically Holy within this class.
Cards have already been shown on youtube, not even on the official website! Here in the forum the information is very slow!
The problem with this card is that Priest runs lots of Shadow Spells at the moment…Raise Dead, Soul Mirror, Hysteria, Palm Reading…just to name a few. You would have to cut all of those in order to make this minion worth it…just so you can discount by 2?
I don’t think it’s worth the risk. I don’t think anyone playing this game seriously as Priest can justify that. I doubt this minion sees any serious play for now.
The Shadow spells are just too good.
Unless…unless there is a minion that does something like “At start of game: If your deck only contains spells from Frost, Nature or Holy, gain X” and X is some huge benefit you can’t pass up.
I think people are focusing too much on the conditional effect. A 3-mana 2/3 that draws a card is basically a better Scorpid, since cards in your deck are almost always better than randomly discovered cards. This will become more and more true as the year goes on and more cards are added to the pool of Discover spells.