New Priest, Priest-Druid Cards

Common · Minion · Festival of Legends · Finale and Overheal: Give another random friendly minion +2/+2.

This can give a lot of stats real fast with Fan Club on the board. Its definitly a better Overheal card for a deck that desparately needed it.

Common · Minion · Festival of Legends · Choose One - Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Rush; or +2 Health and Lifesteal.

Rush option seems bad, but cheaper apotheosis on a a stick seems pretty good. I dont really see a deck right now that would want this, but could for both classes in the future.

Rare · Spell · Festival of Legends · Restore 3 Health to a minion and its neighbors. For each one Overhealed, refresh a Mana Crystal.

If you have 3 full/almost full health minions on the field, this is Horn of Winter in addition to any Overheal effects triggering. Could definitly be very good in any Overheal decks.


It may be a nice OTK (assuming you have a decent board) by playing Funnel Cake and then about Funnel Cake. Probably many less obvious ways to use this card, too.

Those are two very good cards for a Druid token/swarm deck strategy. I think we can safely say they are trying to push Druid in that direction away from the armor abuse deck especially with those last round of nerfs.

Ambiant Lightspawn looks boring. Overheal is boring so far.

I still feel the same way since I saw Overheal. It should be for a Draw-Heavy Northshire Cleric type deck where your just trying to deck out 75% of the time and only go for tempo 25% of the time. Being some Midrange Healgod or Tempodeck that actually heals it’s minions will dictate value trades too much and is impossible to balance.

Draw Location/Weapon and Snowball or be an Arena Deck? Yaaa…ay… :roll_eyes:

4/5 Star Power, as a standalone card. It will never have a deck though and if it does it will be nerfed for being snowbally/dumb.

Fanboy is cool and strong.

5-6/5 Star Power

I hope Funnel Cake is good.

It could be too board based and actually just suck.

How often do I actually have 3 minions on board for this to give me +2 mana?
Honetly I feel like it’s going to be too weak when your behind.

If we had basic combo tools like Palm Reading, Radiant Elementa, Nazmani Bloodweaver, etc in the card pool to work with it, ya then it’s amazing ez 6/5 Star Power Innervate+.

2/5 Star Power for now, can’t even work with it in this forced board card pool.

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or combine it whit aoe minion for gain some hp bk whit lifesteel :slight_smile:

That might be the minion overheal needs to make it a strong deck. Don’t know if it’s good enough in this meta, but it’s definitely the card you want to see. If you play this on 4, then coin feast and then fan club heal you might have a real nasty looking board.

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The overheal minion seems strong, as others have had maybe enough to put it on the map. I welcome it if so, I like the overheal mechanic.

I still think Overheal as a Priest win con is too clunky to work well. Not to mention that it’s so heavily minion-centric that it’s very weak to anything that can destroy those minions. Now, if they gave Priest a charge minion that was buffed by Overheal effects it might be worthwhile…

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I might craft funnel cake in golden because it will appear even more delicious!